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  Public Ticket #1941509
Cookie policy disappear on scroll


  • miki31-7 started the conversation

    Hi again from a new customer setting up the theme. I see that cookie policy message disappears when the user clicks on Accept, but I want it to disappear on page scroll, possibly after 100px scroll. Can you please help me editing the code to make this happen?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support this feature.

    That's required for all customers before read more content on your site. They need to accept with the Cookie Policy - so, fixed it is needed.

    Best Regards,


  • miki31-7 replied

    Hi, in my country, according to the law, accepting implicitly by scrolling is enough and people do not need to click Accept button in order to accept cookies. I added the script you can see at the link below to the policy code in the theme, but it needs some improvements. I know you are not forced to do this and if you refuse to help me I will accept it, but would you be so gentle to help me editing the code by adding these two features?

    1. I want the cookie message to disappear after people scroll by 100 pixel and not just on scroll.
    2. Instead of a simple "display=none", I want the message to completely disappear and go away on scroll (like when you click Accept).

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support features like that for cookie popup.

    If your country doesn't required for cookie policy, you can disable itsmile.png

    Best Regards,
