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  Public Ticket #1942184
Video Post Format not working


  • quayso started the conversation

    I use the video post format for some of my posts. With my former theme, videos displayed instead of the feature image. 

    Now that I am using Soledad (which is generally ... amazing!), videos only show up on a few of my video post. 

    When I try to fix the problem, I edit a post where the video is not showing up. Then I select "video" as the post format. I see my YouTube URL is already there. And then I hit "Update." And my post has reverted back to "Standard" and no video is showing up. 

    I have also tried making a brand new video post, but the same thing is happening. 

    I tried other custom post formats (gallery) and that also is not working.


    Here is a post where it is working: 

    Here is a post where it is not working:

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for loving our theme.

    The fields you showing for me from your image just for data of posts format. While you need to change your posts format here:

    Best Regards,


  • quayso replied

    Thanks for responding! That fixed it!

    Glad it was something simple :)