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  Public Ticket #1943416
Possibility of Mulitple Penci Recipie Instances


  • Verousekk started the conversation

    Hi, I am looking to use the Penci Recipie feature of the theme to add my recipies to the posts. I am however looking to have 2 versions of the recipe, 1 in English and 1 in Czech.  Am i able to extend the theme to include 2 instances of the Penci Recipie section per post? If so, are you able to offer some advice/steps around how would i go about doing this? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you're looking for create a multiple languages site, you can use Polylang plugin to do that.

    This plugin will help you create multiple languages for your site. You can check documentation for Polylang here to know how to use this plugin:

    Also, with all the text from the theme, you can use shortcode pencilang like we said here to translate it via Customize > Quick Text Translation ( put the shortcodes for fields for translate text for multiple languages )

    Best Regards,


  • Verousekk replied

    Hi thanks for responding. I don’t neccesarily want to create a multi lingual site. I am looking to add specifically the recipies in Czech. This would allow me to change the name of ingredients as locally they might be called something different. The rest of the site can remain English. Am I able to Amend the theme to allow me to add 2 versions of the recipie per post? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I don't clearly about your question, do you mean some posts you want to use English, some posts you want to use Czech? And you want to translate text like "Ingredients" ? If right, unfortunately, that's impossible when you use one language...

    Best Regards,


  • Verousekk replied

    sorry if I’m not being clear enough. On each recipie post I want to be able to have the recipie ingredients and instructions in both English and Czech. 2 sections on one single recipe post. 

    So when I create a recipie at the moment there is a section called penci recipie which allows me to enter the recipie information into prebuilt boxes. I want to be able to have 2 of these sections on each recipie page. 

    Does this make more sense?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Ahh, I understand it now.

    But, unfortunately, that's impossible now..

    Best Regards,
