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  Public Ticket #1946246
penci_index by tag?


  • soledaduser started the conversation

    Hello, I'd like to create a Recipe Index by tag instead of category. For example, I have the following Recipe index by categories:

    [penci_index cat="Recipes" title="All Recipes" numbers_posts="4" columns="4" image_size="vertical" display_title="yes" display_cat="no" display_date="no" display_image="yes" cat_link="yes" cat_link_text="View All Recipes"]

    [penci_index cat="Desserts" title="Dessert Recipes" numbers_posts="4" columns="4" image_size="vertical" display_title="yes" display_cat="no" display_date="no" display_image="yes" cat_link="yes" cat_link_text="View All Desserts"]

    This above works just fine, but I'd like to add a new section by the tag. Like below:

    [penci_index tag="Vegan" title="Vegan Recipes" numbers_posts="4" columns="4" image_size="vertical" display_title="yes" display_tag="no" display_date="no" display_image="yes" tag_link="yes" tag_link_text="View All Vegan Recipes"]

    Sadly, creating a new section with the tag doesn't work. :( Can you please tell me how I can add a new section by tag instead of category?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    To do that, you need to edit the code inside Penci Recipe.

    Please replace this code to this code:

    'tag' => $index_cat,

    After that, fill the tag slug to the shortcode:


    [penci_index cat="tag-slug" title="All Recipes" numbers_posts="4" columns="4" image_size="vertical" display_title="yes" display_cat="no" display_date="no" display_image="yes" cat_link="yes" cat_link_text="View All Recipes"]

    Check this image to know where to find slug of a tag.

    Best Regards,


  • soledaduser replied

    Wouldn't this make it so I can now no longer create a recipe index by category but only tag? Is there a way to support both tag and category? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, currently I just can help you like that. To supports both, we need to edit multiple php files and It doesn't take short time. We don't provide support for requirements like that because we can't provide support for each customer like so.

    Also, you've requirement us too much questions for customization items. That requirements doens't include in the support policy for all items on Envato - please check here - we can't provide support like that for all 20k customers using our theme.

    Hope you can understand it.

    Best Regards,
