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  Public Ticket #1953760
Hn structure


  • wei_z started the conversation

    Hello Soledad team !

    I have a big problem with Hn structure on my hompage and posts pages. Indeed, i have 0 x H2 and 5 x same H3 on the homepage, and 1 x H2 before my H1 on the posts pages. I would not have automatic H2 on post pages. Where i can modify the Hn structure for home and post page ? please ?

    Have you a solution for me ?

    Thanks. Best regard. Adrien.

  •   wei_z replied privately
  • wei_z replied

    I've resolved the problem for automatic H2 on post page
    (i've modified header.php and replace <h2></h2> logo by <span></span>

    Now my problem is on the homepage and this 5 x same H3.

    I would have only :

    1 x H1 (logo is ok)
    .. x H2 (posts titles list)

    Where i can found the file for this please ?


  • wei_z replied

    OK, the problem is in the slider.

    When i use "Featured slider style 4", posts titles on slides are on H3 and multiplied by 5.
    When i use "penci slider style 2", posts titles on slides are on H2 but they are duplicate too (3 times each title).

    I searched php files to modify this but i didnt find it..
    My solution would be to remove all Hn structure in "featured slider" and "penci slider" (replace by <span></span> and let the H2 to the list of articles.

     Can you help me to find right files please ?


  • wei_z replied

    OK i found the files for "featured slider" : inc > featured slider
    So i corrected the problem on this slider version.

    Now, can you tell me where are the files for penci slides ? (with Hn strucure) please ?

    Also, where i can found the files to modify html (h3) of "respond" div
    ( cf screen )

    Thanks a lot !

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ That's in   soledad/inc/featured_slider/style-31.php and soledad/inc/featured_slider/style-32.php

    2/ That's markup default from Wordpress. If you want to change it, you need to open soledad/comments.php file and on line 46, replace this code:

    if( get_theme_mod('penci_post_move_comment_box') ):
        comment_form( array(
            'comment_field'        => $custom_comment_field,
            'comment_notes_after'  => '',
            'logged_in_as'         => '',
            'comment_notes_before' => '',
            'title_reply'          => '' . penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_leave_a_comment' ) . '',
            'cancel_reply_link'    => penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_cancel_reply' ),
            'label_submit'         => penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_submit' ),
            'fields'               => apply_filters( 'comment_form_default_fields', $fields ),
            'submit_field'         => $gdrp_mess . '<p class="form-submit">%1$s %2$s</p>',
        ) );
    endif; /* End check if move comment box to above */


    if( get_theme_mod('penci_post_move_comment_box') ):
        comment_form( array(
            'comment_field'        => $custom_comment_field,
            'comment_notes_after'  => '',
            'logged_in_as'         => '',
            'comment_notes_before' => '',
            'title_reply'          => '' . penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_leave_a_comment' ) . '',
            'cancel_reply_link'    => penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_cancel_reply' ),
            'label_submit'         => penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_submit' ),
            'fields'               => apply_filters( 'comment_form_default_fields', $fields ),
            'submit_field'         => $gdrp_mess . '<p class="form-submit">%1$s %2$s</p>',
            'title_reply_before'  => '<h3 id="reply-title" class="comment-reply-title">',
            'title_reply_before'  => '</h3>',
        ) );
    endif; /* End check if move comment box to above */

    And change the markup on this:

     'title_reply_before'  => '<h3 id="reply-title" class="comment-reply-title">',
     'title_reply_before'  => '</h3>',

    Best Regards,


  • wei_z replied


    Okay thanks very much !

    Best regards.


  • wei_z replied

    Hi again, 

    How can i translate the facebook widget in french please ?

    Thanks, best regards.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    To do that, please do following this image.

    Change it to:




    pick one work for you.

    Best Regards,


  • wei_z replied

    Thanks a lot :)

    Best regards.


  •   wei_z replied privately