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  Public Ticket #1953924
Menu drop down hidden


  •  1
    biobasedworld started the conversation


    When you hover over the menu tabs (e.g. 'About', 'Business', 'Technology' etc), you cannot see the drop down items as they go behind the pictures below.  Are you able to sort this please so that they can be seen?  

    I'm not sure how this has happened as they used to be visible. 

    Many thanks,


  •  1
    biobasedworld replied


    I have not received a response to this.  Please can you get back to me urgently?  

    Many thanks,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Opps, sorry we didn't get any notice about this ticket.

    Strange, we didn't get this issue before. 

    Have you try deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again?

    After it work, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    Mia C Orantes replied

    Was this resolved? I have the same issue (wasn't an issue before). I was wondering if @biobasedworld figured out which plugin caused the issue? I have tried deactivating each plugin except the penci ones and that didn't fix it.

    It seems through some troubleshooting that the error only occurs on very wide display once the woocommerce cart icon and search icon appears. I think there must be an overflow: hidden css element somewhere there shouldn't be with the configuration I have selected (

  •  501
    Penci replied


    I checked on  ( site, please add custom css to fix the issue.

    .container, #navigation .container { overflow: initial !important; }

    and i check site, i saw menu work fine, please check it again and send me your screenshot for the isssue. I will check it again

    Best Regards,


  • Luke replied

    Hi there, there was a stray bit of code from adding a new leaderboard banner through CSS which when removed solved this issue too. Thanks, Luke 

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Sorry, i'm not clear about the question. Please tell me about the question.

    Best Regards,


  • Luke replied

    I solved the problem, all is fine. Thanks.