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  Public Ticket #1954327
Featured Slider vertical images not same size with feautured post images on mobile screens.


  •  1
    panospan started the conversation

    Hi PenciDesign,

    I use Featured Slider on homepage, but with vertical images, which make the size of the slider to be big enough. When I am in front of a desktop screen this is not a big problem, but when I visit the site from mobile, then the image of the Featured Slider is a very long one.


    What settings I could use to make the slider look the same size on mobile, like the size of the featured images of the posts?

    Kind regards

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
    .featured-style-4 .penci-owl-carousel .penci-image-holder::before {
        height: 450px;
        padding-top: 0;

    Change value 450 to any value as you want.

    Best Regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
    .featured-style-4 .penci-owl-carousel .penci-image-holder::before {
        height: 450px;    
        padding-top: 0;

    Change value 450 to any value as you want.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    panospan replied

    Hi PenciDesign,

    Thank you very much.

    Kind regards