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  Public Ticket #1955680
Since today I can one page of my website not editen with Elemementor


  • leovanstraten started the conversation

    Since today there is one page in my new Soledad website I can not edit with Elementor. Even when I go back to my dashboard and page still no option to edit with Elementor. In the screen you see no option in the topbar " edit with elementor", besides this, on this page is also no menu"  home > blog " like there is on other pages.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue caused by you've set this "Blog" page is your "Blog" page via Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Your homepage displays > Posts page:

    Let's go to that place and select it back to "-- Select --"

    Best Regards,


  • leovanstraten replied

    Can you please be more clear in what I have to do now...
    I do not understand what I have to do, my home page is my home page and my blog page is my blog page

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Pleas go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Your homepage displays > Posts page: > select "-- Select --"

    Best Regards,


  • leovanstraten replied

    Have changed it now to select, but still not possible to edit with elementor.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Seem you didn't read my comment - please check this image:

    I said Your homepage displays > Posts page: > select "-- Select --"   - I didn't said select on  "Homepage"

    Best Regards,


  • leovanstraten replied

    Have done it that way, but the consequence is now that  the page i build in Soledad is disappeared. It gives now another page with only a picture : see screenshot

  • leovanstraten replied

    send it to early. Now it shows only a picture and yes this page I can now edit with Elementor.

    But the page I build in the last day in Soledad with my blogs is now positioned by clicking on my logo in the header.

    And this page is still not editable.

    The website how it looks no in Soledad was build by one of your people. I payed almost 100 dollar for that> and now it is al gone.

    Can someone please help solve this issue

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you mean about use "Blog" page - let's select Template for this page is "Custom Blog Page" - It will display as a blog page - not need to use Elementor on that page.

    Also, the latest update doesn't affect anything to the site content - so, if you lose your content - seem that caused by you've set the blog page as I said before - It's not related with the theme - It's your settingssmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • leovanstraten replied

    Yes I understand that my content is not lost. That content is still there but not visible anymore from the menu.

    But I had finally after my conversion to Soledad again a good website and now I have to solve these things.

    If I make a template (I have done now), how can I hang that in the menu Blog?

  • leovanstraten replied

    Problem solved. By reading more about this I have find the way how to solve it.

    Thanks for the help