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  Public Ticket #1963040
Infinite scroll on posts [FEATURE REQUEST]


  • miki31-7 started the conversation

    Hi, I purchased Soledad after I read in the feature list that it has infinite scroll, but when I tried it, I discovered that infinite scroll is not for posts but only for pages... I read on a post from a few years ago that you were working to add it in the next version, but the theme still lacks the feature. Will you add infinite scroll for posts to this theme? It is a very important feature to reduce the bounce rate and I think it should be in every big and important theme like Soledad. Thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    On our demos, we've showing the demos for Infinite Scroll - as you can see on this demo:

    We don't tell anywhere inside the theme description that the theme supports for Infinite Scroll on posts.

    We will consider to add more this feature in the future updates - but I'm not sure exactly the time it will be added. So, you need to wait about this.

    Best Regards,


  • miki31-7 replied

    You mention the Infinite Scroll in the features list on Themeforest as showed in the attachment. You did not specify whether it is for posts or for pages and you did not link the demo near the feature on Themeforest, I think reading just "Infinite Scroll Load More Posts" is misleading, and the word Posts made me think that it was for posts. Anyways thanks for considering the feature, I hope you will add it soon.