Thanks for your quick answer ! I missed this part, and it's almost work now !
>> After switch to another demo, you need to select again your main navigation. Let's go to Appearance > Menus > create/select a menu > scroll down to bottom > and check to "Primary Menu"
But it seems the reset does not work compeltky because I have still customisation from my last demo.
See attached the menubar is not at the same place than the default demo I choose, plus the slider is not the same as well. How can I clear everything?
Whati s weird is that when I'm in the custom mode, I see a mix between the new demo I upload and my old customisation.
But when I go on the website to preview the modification I see the default theme.... (My website is in maitenance mode) How can I know which mode is the good one ? (preview or custom)
Thank you for your answer. I never see, even before, and administration bar on the top of my website ?
I contact my hosting support and they said they don't keep any cache on their servers. And it's probably a problem with wordpress :( I'm lost with this issue...
Do you think if I delete everything and re-install the theme the error can go away ?
I have an issue with reseting my theme.
I had install one, and starting some customization, but finally found that another demo would be better after all.
I install the pulggin to reset my theme, but it seems that some customisation I've made are still here.
Plus I don't find the demo I'm looking for it's the classic one attached.
Thanks for your help.
Havea great day!
To switch to another demos, please check the guide here
Best Regards,
Thanks for your quick answer ! I missed this part, and it's almost work now !
>> After switch to another demo, you need to select again your main navigation. Let's go to Appearance > Menus > create/select a menu > scroll down to bottom > and check to "Primary Menu"
But it seems the reset does not work compeltky because I have still customisation from my last demo.
See attached the menubar is not at the same place than the default demo I choose, plus the slider is not the same as well. How can I clear everything?
Hmm, If so, please go to:
Customize > Logo and Header Options > Header Layout > select header style you want to use there.
Customize > Featured Slider Options > on "Featured Slider Style" > select slider style you want to use.
Best Regards,
Whati s weird is that when I'm in the custom mode, I see a mix between the new demo I upload and my old customisation.
But when I go on the website to preview the modification I see the default theme.... (My website is in maitenance mode) How can I know which mode is the good one ? (preview or custom)
Many thanks
Please make sure you've clearly all the cache before check it again
That's caching issues.
Best Regards,
I'm not clearly about what's issues you got there. Can you tell me more about this?
If you mean about create a category mega menu, let's check this video tutorial to know how to do that.
Best Regards,
I just checked your site and I'm sure that's 100% issues from the cache of your hosting.
It even doesn't show the admin bar when I logged in:
So, please contact with your hosting provider and requirements them clearly all the cache for your site.
That's not issues related with the theme.
Best Regards,
Thank you for your answer. I never see, even before, and administration bar on the top of my website ?
I contact my hosting support and they said they don't keep any cache on their servers. And it's probably a problem with wordpress :( I'm lost with this issue...
Do you think if I delete everything and re-install the theme the error can go away ?
Additional info :
I don't even have a repertories wp-content/cache to delete manually... :/