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  Public Ticket #1965772
Penci Recipe & Recipe Index


  • rararossputin started the conversation


    I am using the Penci Recipe plugin for my website. I see that the recipe card template can be used on Posts, but I would like to use it for pages instead. I have found a tool that allows me to convert posts into pages, so for now that is what I am doing. The format and everything still looks fine, but when I create my Penci Recipe Index page, using the ShortCode listing in the following link: the index cannot display the pages I have converted from posts. Am I doing something wrong, or does the Penci Recipe index only work with Posts? Sorry, I am still new to Soledad, so please don't hesitate to point out if I am doing something dumb. Thanks in advance for your help!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The recipe index will based on categories the posts located in that categories.

    So, I'm not sure it will work when you use it for pages ( because pages doesn't exists any categories )

    You can check this video tutorial for more ( watch to the end of the video to understand all )

    Best Regards,
