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  Public Ticket #1972601
Attachment page template


  • comfix1 started the conversation

    Hello there,

    I've created a template for attachment pages but while the theme uses it as expected for its "main" url (mainsite/attachmentpage) it does not with the url related to the page/post where the media is inserted (mainsite/page/attachmentpage).

    I've created pdf.php (since I'm using it with this files), attachment.php and single-attachment.php files but to no avail.

    Many thanks.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Sorry, I'm not clear about the question.

    Do you want create new template page ?

    Please checkt this guide to know how to create a custom template page 

    Best Regards,


  • comfix1 replied

    Sorry I didn't myself clear.

    The problem is that I've created a template for the attachments pages but the theme is not using it for the url that WP assigns to them when the files are associated with a post or page.

    I.e. I upload a file through the media library, and its own attachment page has the structure domain/media, this page uses the attachment.php template.

    After that, when I add the same file on the content of a post or page, and I set that it is linked to the attachment page, the url of the link is like domain/post/media and this page uses a different template.

    I need this pages to use the attachment.php template or make that this link directs to the main url (domain/media instead of domain/post/media). Because manually changing the url each time is not an option.

    Thanks for your help.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a lock on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   comfix1 replied privately
  •  501
    Penci replied


    I custom attachment.php file on child theme help you.,

    Please check it and tell me about layout attachment you want change, i will check it help you.

    Best Regards,


  • comfix1 replied

    Many thanks, that'll do the trick.

    What I still don't understand is why the shorter url makes use of the pdf.php template but the other one appears in a totally different manner when attachment.php had the same code.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    I  checked  your image attachement . It seems that short link  have mess ( sin adjuntar )

    Best Regards,
