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  Public Ticket #1979275


  • justintravel started the conversation

    Hello, I am building potrfolio and I have 2 questions :

    1 - how to change the name "All" into sth different? There is no such category to edit as "All".

    2 - the photos on the site "Portfolio" are displayed in a strange way - first there is a 3 column grid, after that 2 columns grid occur, with the same menu with photos categories above. How can my portfolio site look like the one in demo version?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ On the portfolio shortcode, example:

    [portfolio style="masonry" cat="" number="-1" filter="true" column="3" all_text="All" /]

    You can see  attr   all_text="All"   - You can change it here to any text you want.

    2/ Seem you've added 2 portfolio in to a page. Let's remove one.

    Please check more this video tutorial to know how to setup portfolio.

    Best Regards,
