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  Public Ticket #1981762
Soledad and Yoast Schema markup conflict


  • miki31-7 started the conversation

    Hi. I saw that Yoast SEO has just been updated with the addition of Schema markup, but Soledad has Schema markup too. Now, if I update Yoast I will have a double markup. E.g. the same article will have the Article markup from Yoast and the BlogPosting markup from Soledad, + other duplicate entries.

    How will you behave now? Will you adapt your markup to Yoast in the next update (that's what I hope) or suggest people to disable your Schema markup? 

    If you do nothing, me and other users will have to decide if disabling your Schema markup or stop updating Yoast, because I can't have two different Schema markups for the same page. What do you suggest?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We will check it and will have fit solution for this issue.

    Please wait for it.

    Best Regards,
