First of all - great work on a very interesting theme. It looks very nice and if it will be as fast as I tested your photography template - I will be very happy!
I am testing it out on a local Mamp setup therefore only screenshots and no links.
To activate - is it possible to activate my local Mamp version (for test and change purposes) and also my website?
I try to set up a very lightweight and fast landing page for my photography blog. The attachment file spacing-large shows that there is a large space between the picture and the menu bar. With exactly the same settings and a slider (attachment file spacing small) there is no space. How can I do that with only a picture?
On attachment file spacing large - is there any way to make a button on the page "Click here" to link to the portfolio page with pictures?
On attachment file spacing large - I see that you photoshopped the right side of the slider picture to be able to see the writing better. Is it possible to make instead some opaque rectangle of a chosen color behind the text (like in revolution slider)
On attachment file portfolio - can a portfolio be made so that the filter is directly under the menu bar (without Photographie and Portfolio Colums titles). Also is there a way to slightly reduce the spacing between the pictures?
Since I want to make my site as fast as possible - I don't really need Mega Menu - I assume that disabling it would speed things up. Is there any way to just use the normal WP menus without loading Mega Menu?
Lastly, maybe I missed it but are the AMP pages automatically produced or do I have to get the plugin and redo the whole site?
Sorry for so many questions but I thought I write everything down at once. Once again - looks like a great template!
Thank you very much - works overall very well. Just a couple of clarifications.
I have been using Pagebuilder on my old site - however I think that it slows down the site. - am I correct with that? What If I just use it slightly?
Is there another way of reducing the space on top without pagebuilder?
You said that the theme auto generates AMP pages but looking at the description link you sent me I have to download a plugin (no problem doing that) and it sounds like that you have to redo the pages. I just want to make sure that I understood correctly!
1/ It just apply for all the pages you use page builder. But, It slow down your site is not exactly. Almost all cases come from content in that pages.
2/ If so, you need to make your site live and show me URL for this page. I will try help you with a custom css. Now, I can't see how it work, so I can't help you with custom css..
3/ No - You don't need to redo all the pages. You just need create a new menu for your AMP without use category mega menu - but if you don't use category mega menus for non-AMP version - you don't need to do that.
Thanks a lot. I am slowly better starting to understand your theme. I have produced the landing page with slider which looks great.
Before I send you a link I want to have the general structure done locally so I can produce it quickly online.
Three things that I don't understand or might be missing. Can your theme (without pagebuilder) create a page of pictures (from posts or portfolio) that have only the pictures in masonry stile without any text? I always have like a title remaining...
Is there a possibility to have the picture open to - a lightbox only? - or ideally have the ability to open either to a lightbox or the post (via icons on the picture for instance or in another logical way)
You have in the customication options a lot of possibilities to customize the home page. It would be great if this could be done for another page then the homepage to have a light landing page and then another sopisticated page customized as you currently enable it for the home page. Do you understand what I mean?
I hope I can put it online soon - very exciting theme!!!
1/ Yeah, you can do that by use Gallery from the theme. Check more on this video tutorial.
If you're using new editor from Wordpress, let's use classic element like this image and use insert media from classic element like this image.
2/ You can use gallery like I said above - it will open on the lightbox
3/ If you want to do that for other pages - you can use WPBakery Page Builder to do that as I said in my previous comment. Because we want to make this theme fast as best as possible, so we don't want to move all that options for pages.. It will make the theme very slow..
Just to also communicate some success - I pulled the trigger and just tried. I succeeded with the frontpage but I am still struggling with the page that shows my pictures. I might come back with some more questions to you.
However, the exciting thing is that the frontpage with three sliders got a pagespeed score of 100 on the desktop and 78 on mobile. I guess I will play a bit more around for the mobile. I have used WP-Fastest Cache plugin and also use the Amazon CDN
1/ If you want to do that, you can use Portfolio to do that. You can check more about this here
Make sure you're using latest version of Portfolio.
2/ Can you tell me what's that video?
3/ About the page speed issues.
Yeah, the issue caused by recently Google just updated rules for google page speed insights. On mobile, it requirements too much things about "Reduce server response times (TTFB)" and requirements to limit to use css & javascript. It apply for all sites now. And most of issues on mobile based on your hosting much.. Currently, there is no way to optimize it on mobile... And most of all sites on internet has speed like so. On the mobile, google doesn't based on any optimize from the theme - it based on real time for load.
We will find more about this, if there is solution - we will write a solution for all customers
This is the video that you recommended and it is green screen only on Firefox build 66.03 (64 bit). The Soledad Wordpress Theme Version 4 - How to create a gallery? It seems to be the other videos as well. Must be Firefox of that I am running MacOS
As for the pagespeed of the theme - I was not complaining at all! I was happy about the performance versus my old theme.
I have great news in the meantime. By changing the caching plugin I now have a mobile page speed of 95!!! and a Desktop one of 98!!! (You can see yourself on
In case you are interested for other customers - these are the plugins I am using: - Cache enabler - Fast Velocity Minify
Fast Velocity Minify takes a bit of "playing around" so nothing breaks but this is impressive. If you want I am happy to shaare the settings for your other customers
I have tried 5 or six others but this combination is by far the best I could find. With none of the others I got a pagespeed higher than 78.
I have gotten to creating my landing page and a photo grid that looks very good. I am very happy about them (Link) Now I would like to create a blog.
If I understand your theme correctly it is set up so that the homepage (landing page) always displays the overview of the blog postings in different formats. In my case I have a different homepage (landing page). It is just a slider with links to my pictures and blog.
How can I set up another page so that it has the different options to show the overview of the blog posts (grid, mosaic, with or without sidebars etc)? The customisation always says now homepage - but I use something different on the homepage (front or landing page). I like the customisation options you have - I just would like to show all of this on a different page
If I go to your soledad-photography-blog - I quite like the following - see link here except I would like the ability to: a) change the height a bit - is that possible? How does that work for a picture in portrait? b)
Is there a possibility to totally create my own single post format (with WPbakery page builder) and have the overview of the different posts show on a page like mentioned in #2 above?
1/ You can use a static page by go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Front Page Display > A Static Page > Front Page > and select any page you want to set it's homepage.
2/ You can do that by go to Pages > Add New > create a page for Blog Page and select "Template" for this page is "Custom Blog Page"
And layout for this page will follow layout you've selected via Customize > General Options > Category, Tags, Search Archive Layout
3/ That's Single Post Template style 8 - you can select it via Customize > Single Post Options.
If you don't enable pallarax for featured images - it will auto fit with the height of your featured image - not getting crop.
4/ Yeah, you can use WPBakery to do that also - use element "Soledad Latest Posts" to do that.
Thank you, this helped. I have some more questions. I progressed nicely and I am basically done except for the following two things:
If you look at this linkyou can see how my blogpost looks on a laptop. However, If you look at it on the phone it shows the title twice and also the category. Before I had the same issue on the laptop so I had to switch this off in the customisation (it removed it for the laptop) but it still shows it on the phone. How can I change that?
See picture for how it looks on the phone in attached file 1) below --> this is important for me so I can start writing the blog posts. Thank you!
Secondly, if you look how my front-page looks like on the phone (attached file 2) you can see a lot of space on the bottom of the screen. However, if I look at it in the Wordpress customisation with the phone layout (attached file 3) it covers the full screen.
Because the posts title already there - but you've changed it to white color - so you can't see it.
Let try one:
a) Set a featured image for that post to make the posts title appears.
b) If you don't want to use featured image for that post - I recommend you go to Customize > Single Post Options > and check to "Hide Featured Image on Top"
Also, you can change color & size for posts title via Customize > Single Post Options and Customize > Colors for Single.
2/ That's normal because on the customizer preview has small height with real mobile. So, that's why you see the white space bigger.
1) I followed your descriptions and it worked 80%. There is no double title now but in attached file 1)you see how much space is left on top. Can you reduce that as well?
If you look on file 2) you see that the category gets shown on the mobile but bit on Laptop. I there any say way to remove from mobile?
First of all - great work on a very interesting theme. It looks very nice and if it will be as fast as I tested your photography template - I will be very happy!
Also is there a way to slightly reduce the spacing between the pictures?
Sorry for so many questions but I thought I write everything down at once. Once again - looks like a great template!
Thank you for loving our theme.
1/ Yeah, you can activate it on localhost - the purchased code doesn't apply on localhost. So, no worries about this.
2 & 3/ I think you should use WPBakery Page Builder to config it. Check this guide to know how to get WPBakery Page Builder.
And you can do that by set a value margin top for your image is -56px by use WPBakery Page Builder.
Check more on this video tutorial. You also can use button element from WPBakery to create a button as you want.
4/ That's not photoshopped - that's overlay from the slider... And it can't apply for a single image from your editor..
5/ You can go to edit this page > scroll down and you can see options for hide page title of that page.
For hide the header logo area for that page, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:
Note: Change the number 1211 on the above code to page ID of the page you want to hide header logo area.
Check this guide to know how to find page ID of a page.
To change the space between images on portfolio, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:
Change values 5 & 10 on the above code to any value as you want.
6/ You just need go to Appearance > Menus > edit any menu item you want to remove mega menu > on this option > select "Not Mega Menu"
7/ It will auto create AMP pages and validated it. Please check guide & some notes for it here
Best Regards,
Thank you very much - works overall very well. Just a couple of clarifications.
Thank you very much!
1/ It just apply for all the pages you use page builder. But, It slow down your site is not exactly. Almost all cases come from content in that pages.
2/ If so, you need to make your site live and show me URL for this page. I will try help you with a custom css. Now, I can't see how it work, so I can't help you with custom css..
3/ No - You don't need to redo all the pages. You just need create a new menu for your AMP without use category mega menu - but if you don't use category mega menus for non-AMP version - you don't need to do that.
Best Regards,
Thanks a lot. I am slowly better starting to understand your theme. I have produced the landing page with slider which looks great.
Before I send you a link I want to have the general structure done locally so I can produce it quickly online.
- a lightbox only?
- or ideally have the ability to open either to a lightbox or the post (via icons on the picture for instance or in another logical way)
I hope I can put it online soon - very exciting theme!!!
1/ Yeah, you can do that by use Gallery from the theme. Check more on this video tutorial.
If you're using new editor from Wordpress, let's use classic element like this image and use insert media from classic element like this image.
2/ You can use gallery like I said above - it will open on the lightbox
3/ If you want to do that for other pages - you can use WPBakery Page Builder to do that as I said in my previous comment. Because we want to make this theme fast as best as possible, so we don't want to move all that options for pages.. It will make the theme very slow..
Best Regards,
Just to also communicate some success - I pulled the trigger and just tried. I succeeded with the frontpage but I am still struggling with the page that shows my pictures. I might come back with some more questions to you.
However, the exciting thing is that the frontpage with three sliders got a pagespeed score of 100 on the desktop and 78 on mobile. I guess I will play a bit more around for the mobile. I have used WP-Fastest Cache plugin and also use the Amazon CDN
1/ If you want to do that, you can use Portfolio to do that. You can check more about this here
Make sure you're using latest version of Portfolio.
2/ Can you tell me what's that video?
3/ About the page speed issues.
Yeah, the issue caused by recently Google just updated rules for google page speed insights. On mobile, it requirements too much things about "Reduce server response times (TTFB)" and requirements to limit to use css & javascript. It apply for all sites now. And most of issues on mobile based on your hosting much.. Currently, there is no way to optimize it on mobile... And most of all sites on internet has speed like so. On the mobile, google doesn't based on any optimize from the theme - it based on real time for load.
We will find more about this, if there is solution - we will write a solution for all customers
Best Regards,
Thanks for your answer
The Soledad Wordpress Theme Version 4 - How to create a gallery? It seems to be the other videos as well. Must be Firefox of that I am running MacOS
- Cache enabler
- Fast Velocity Minify
Great job with the theme!!!
1/ Do you mean about youtube video I sent before? I still can see it fine on my firefox.. Have you try with another browser?
2/ Thank you
3/ Great
Thank you for sharing all that for us. Have a great weekend.
Best Regards,
I have gotten to creating my landing page and a photo grid that looks very good. I am very happy about them (Link) Now I would like to create a blog.
a) change the height a bit - is that possible? How does that work for a picture in portrait?
Thank you
1/ You can use a static page by go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Front Page Display > A Static Page > Front Page > and select any page you want to set it's homepage.
2/ You can do that by go to Pages > Add New > create a page for Blog Page and select "Template" for this page is "Custom Blog Page"
And layout for this page will follow layout you've selected via Customize > General Options > Category, Tags, Search Archive Layout
3/ That's Single Post Template style 8 - you can select it via Customize > Single Post Options.
If you don't enable pallarax for featured images - it will auto fit with the height of your featured image - not getting crop.
4/ Yeah, you can use WPBakery to do that also - use element "Soledad Latest Posts" to do that.
Best Regards,
Thank you, this helped. I have some more questions. I progressed nicely and I am basically done except for the following two things:
If you look at this link you can see how my blogpost looks on a laptop. However, If you look at it on the phone it shows the title twice and also the category. Before I had the same issue on the laptop so I had to switch this off in the customisation (it removed it for the laptop) but it still shows it on the phone. How can I change that?
See picture for how it looks on the phone in attached file 1) below --> this is important for me so I can start writing the blog posts. Thank you!
Secondly, if you look how my front-page looks like on the phone (attached file 2) you can see a lot of space on the bottom of the screen. However, if I look at it in the Wordpress customisation with the phone layout (attached file 3) it covers the full screen.
Thank you very much!
1/ You should remove the posts title you've added via WPBakery Page Builder on this link:
Because the posts title already there - but you've changed it to white color - so you can't see it.
Let try one:
a) Set a featured image for that post to make the posts title appears.
b) If you don't want to use featured image for that post - I recommend you go to Customize > Single Post Options > and check to "Hide Featured Image on Top"
Also, you can change color & size for posts title via Customize > Single Post Options and Customize > Colors for Single.
2/ That's normal because on the customizer preview has small height with real mobile. So, that's why you see the white space bigger.
Best Regards,
Thank you for even replying on a weekend.
2) ok, I understand
1) I followed your descriptions and it worked 80%. There is no double title now but in attached file 1)you see how much space is left on top. Can you reduce that as well?
If you look on file 2) you see that the category gets shown on the mobile but bit on Laptop. I there any say way to remove from mobile?
Thank you
Because the categories still there: If I changed it to another color, it will display.
If you don't want categories display at the top, please check option for it via Customize > Single Post Options > Hide Categories.
Also, if you want to reduce more space at the top of post title, you can add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:
Change value 30 to any value as you want.
Best Regards,