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  Public Ticket #1988983
Food Homepage Layout


  • rachelmball started the conversation

    Hi, I want my front page setup exactly like this: NOTE I cannot do a full demo import because I am applying the them to an existing blog. How do I build the page? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've said about this issue on the documentation for Soledad theme here

    This theme supports 2 ways to import a demo. With your case, you can use Way 2: Import Only customizer data to import customization data for your sitewink.png

    Best Regards,


  • rachelmball replied

    That doesn't answer my question at all. I reviewed that documentation and completed Way 2: Import Only customizer data and my site still looks absolutely nothing like

  • rachelmball replied

    Okay, so I figured out how to make it look more like Now my question is... HOW DO I EDIT ANYTHING? It's linked to stuff that's not even mine. Help!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can go to Appearance > Customize and edit it.

    For homepage featured boxes, you can edit it via Customize > Homepage Options.

    Best Regards,


  • AureliaA44 replied


    Je souhaiterai migrer mon blog vers Soledad Food  2 (utilisant déjà Soledad Food). Je teste en local avant de mettre sur mon blog :
    Lorsque je tente de paramétrer ma page d'accueil vers le style Masonry Layout, il me propose uniquement les styles de Soledad Food 1 et non pas ceux de Soledad Food 2 (voir attachment). Est-ce normal ?
    Je n'arrive pas à enlever la Sidebar de droite bien que j'ai tout enlever des widgets.
    Puis-je seulement mettre 4 box en page d'accueil au lieu de 8 ?
    Merci pour vos réponses.
    Belle journée !

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @AureliaA44,

    Please create a new ticket and we will check it help you. Don't put reply to tickets of another people because they will get notice email about your reply. And please use English because we don't know French..

    Best Regards,
