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  Public Ticket #1989040
Help to customize


  • magdaszyrmer started the conversation


    I am not a programmer and it is my first time getting to know how to use Wordpress. I am looking for someone to help me customize my site... I am looking to combine elements between the different Soledad themes. I like some parts of some themes, and others from other themes. 

    Do you know someone who knows the Soledad theme well that could help me do this?

    Also, I may want to change from my current theme to another one, but I am nervous that everything may get messed up and I may not be able to return to what I had... so I want to know how to try another soledad theme without losing access to what I currently have.

    Thank you!


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme.

    1/ Can you tell me more detail about what elements you want to combine from your site & other demos? Also, please show me your site url to I can take it a look better.

    2/ You can check guide here to know how to switch to another demo - on "How to change your site to another demo style?"

    Best Regards,


  •   magdaszyrmer replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Do you mean about hire a programmer from us to do all the customization for you?

    If right, please contact with leader of customization team via him skype:  kang120889 

    And we will let you know the cost & the time for it.

    Best Regards,
