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  Public Ticket #1990854
Recipe Fields search appearance


  • flvictorkapustin started the conversation

    I have a question on the recipe plugin fields:

    Recipe plugin has `Cuisine` and `Calories` and `Fat` fields. In appearance customization I selected `Hide Calories` and `Hide Fat`. I did not provide any default values for those fields.

    In the actual post I also did not provide any values for the fields. Fields do not appear on the post page, but in google search-console (and is the actual search sometimes) it shows:

    - recipeCuisine European

    - calories 200 calories

    - fatContent 20 grams fat

    If I enter a single space in the recipe editor, than google search console shows warnings for the field (incorrect data format). Is there a way to:

    - Remove fat, calories, cuisine fields altogether, and not just hide it, or

    - Are there some default values for these fields that will not cause warning in google url inspection?

    Thanks in advance!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    That's needed fields for recipe card on google structured data testing tool. So, if you don't have that fields - you will get warning for all recipe card..

    That's why we've auto added it to your recipe & create options for help you can add a general data for that fields from Customize > Recipe Options.

    I think the best solution with your case is go to Customize > Recipe Options > on the fields for recipeCuisine, calories, fatContent > set a value   N/A or Unknown for it.

    Best Regards,


  • flvictorkapustin replied


    Thank you for your reply. I tried this option and it doesn't show the default number of calories/fat or cuisine in the search results anymore. It does create a warning in Google Search Console "Invalid Calorie format in field nutrition.calories'(optional)" for all recipe cards. But as long as the information is not displayed in search results, I guess it should be fine.

    Thank you for your assistance!