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  Public Ticket #1998489
Featured Image Load Time


  • Heleno0301 started the conversation


    The featured image on posts is always the last tign to load, and it takes ages to load. The rest of the images on the page load fine - whats causing this?

    It's so slow i'm thinking of removing the featured image - and putting it into the top of the post - as the in-post images load - but this would be a shame + a workaround.

    Is there a fix/reason for the featured image taking so long to fix? (And if not - can you send me code to hide it) 



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you don't want to get lazyload on featured image on single post, you can disable it via Customize > Single Post Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on Single Posts

    Best Regards,
