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  Public Ticket #2003491
loading pictures


  • happy started the conversation

    I have downloaded everything as per your instructions and I am having problems with the uploading of my pictures into the live preview...none of my pictures show up...just one if I am lucky and also the slider shows some of my pictures but nothing that I choose in the wordpress navigation menu... also some of the pictures (not chosen ones) do not align correctly...I purchased this theme for £72 and I can't get in working led me to believe that this template would be a doddle but I am having so many problems with it...I makes me feel sick...I am currently using my old theme at the moment because the Soledad default is just so messed up....

    Please can you help me,

    Kind Regards H x

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue caused by you've enable lazyload images from Jetpack or WP Rocket Plugin or use a plugin to create lazyload images.
    Let's find and deactivate it.
    This theme already supports for lazyload images, so you don't need to use any lazyload images plugin to create it.

    Best Regards,