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  Public Ticket #2005149
slider instead of featured image of a post


  • ismailsirajeittembe started the conversation

    Hey i want to make a sample post on my website to appear like that of the sample

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, this theme doesn't support for display a slider like Style 5 instead of featured image.

    This theme just support you can display a slider instead of featured image like this by use Gallery Post Format:

    You can config a post like that by do following steps:

    1/ Go to Appearance > Install Plugins > install & activate plugin Vafpress Post Formats UI

    2/ Go to edit a post > and change posts format to Gallery and add images for gallery format:

    For old editor:

    For new editor:

    Best Regards,


  • Kacia33 replied


    I was trying to follow your below instructions and did all steps (I have old editor). Problem is that after picking images in the end and refreshing post I have blank spot instaed of any picture or slider. Do you have idea what could cause it?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Kacia33,

    Please create a new ticket and our support team will check it help you. Please don't reply to ticket of another people because they will get notice from your reply.

    Thank you for your understand.

    Best Regards,


  • Kacia33 replied


    understood however I don't know why I can't create new ticket now. After trying to create new ticket, it asks me to provide my product code. I would like to do that but there is no place. What is more when I click on "verify purchase with envato" it directs me to my settings where there is no space to provide code. Could you please advise? I don't want to write here anymore of course but now I have no choice. There is also one more issue I would like to ask about.



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you have issues when create a new ticket - let's send us an email via our contact form and we will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,
