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  Public Ticket #2006220
RTL problems


  • nitzan19 started the conversation

    I have some problems regarding customizing my site so it would support RTL properly. I chose and paid for this theme because youv'e mentioned it has full RTL support and I need some help adjusting my site to RTL.

    My main problems are:

    1. The order of my primary menu is LTR and I want it to be RTL. I tried just changing the order of the items on the menu so the first would be the last etc, but that only works for the web version since in the mobile version it´s a side menu that vertical and than it shows it in a reversed order.

    2. I want to change the alignment of the text everywhere to right instead of left. that includes:

    * text within sidebar widgets (search, recent posts, categories)

    * text and quotes within posts (I can change the aligment off the text manualy but couldnt figure out how to align quotes to the right)

    * text in post preview on the homepage / category page / tag page. I wish not only to align the text to the right, but to reverse the view of the preview - meaning image of each post on the right and "read more" button on the left. 

    * footer signup form (reverse it so signup button is on the left, and align text to right)

    3. generally I am experiencing a problem with punctuation at the end of sentences that does not match RTL - meaning my point or exclamation mark will show at the right side on my sentence (which in RTL languages means the beginning of the sentence and not the end). This happens to me almost everywhere i need to enter text but mainly text in widgets.

    And one more (unrelated to RTL issues) question - I can't figure our how to change the top page image (not the logo itself but the background). at the moment I'm stuck with the floral image that came with the demo. 


  • nitzan19 replied

    I just figured how to convert my whole site to hebrew and all the RTL issiues were solved, so consider the past ticket solved :)

    I do have a few other questions though -

    how to I upload a picture to be the header background?

    how to I change the "last post" square on the main page so that it would be on the left instead of on the right?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please set background for header via Customize > Colors for Header > Header Background Image.

    2/ Please change align for it via Customize > Colors for Homepage > Homepage Heading Latest Posts Title Align

    Best Regards,
