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  Public Ticket #2006710
Single Post customisation


  • cherifam started the conversation


    Thank you for your great theme I really love it. I have 3 questions for you:

    1- I have realised that I do not have the archive, Category, Blog, Tag, Search Pages Options.

    2- Where to  customise the font size and background colour of a single post category.

    3- How to reduce a single post feature image height. I am using style 5 for  the single posts template and style 5 for featured slider. I want to maintain the slider height on the home page but want  the feature image for a single post to be maximum 300 height.

    Thanks in advance!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can select layout for that Category, Archive, Blog, Tag, Search Pages Options via Customize > General Options > Category, Tags, Search, Archive Layout

    2/ Please check options for it via Customize > Colors for Single.

    3/ You can go to edit that post > scroll down and you can see option "Custom Aspect Ratio for Featured Image" - change it here.

    Best Regards,


  • cherifam replied

    Thank you for your responses.

    1-Please is it  possible  to set the featured image ration and have at the same time the Parallax effect on single post? I saw a message saying that"This option not apply when enable parallax images". 

    I want to reduce the featured image height and maintain the parallax effect.

    2- I am still not able to increase the font size of post category on the home page as well as on single post. I have checked options for it via Customize > Colors for Single but haven't found it.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Yeah, it doesn't support when you enable parallax effect. Because parallax effect need to caculator again the padding of images. That's why it can't be apply with that option.

    I just can help you change the images height for all featured images - not for only one. Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .penci-body-single-style-5 .container-single .post-image{ padding-top: 35%; }

    Change value 35 to any value as you want.

    2/ Do you mean about categories display above posts titles? Also, please show me your site url to I can take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   cherifam replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please try again with this code - also, make sure you've enabled parallax for that post:

    .penci-body-single-style-5 .container-single .post-image.penci-jarallax{ padding-top: 35%; }

    2/ If you feel that's too big - you can use single post template style 6 - not use style 5. The style 5 is full width style - and no way to make it smaller.

    3/ To change the category size, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .container-single .penci-standard-cat .cat > a.penci-cat-name{ font-size: 16px; }

    Change value 16 to any value as you want.

    4/ Please check options for it via Customize > Colors for Single Post > Custom Color Categories for Post Template Style 5, 6 and 8

    5/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .penci-body-single-style-8 .penci-move-title-above:after, 
    .penci-body-single-style-5 .penci-move-title-above:after, 
    .penci-body-single-style-6 .penci-move-title-above:after, 
    .penci-body-single-style-7 .penci-move-title-above:after{ 
        background: linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 50%, #f45087 90%);

    Best Regards,


  • cherifam replied

    Thank you very much! 

    Everything is working now. 

    You are the best!

  •   PenciDesign replied privately