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  Public Ticket #2007317
Activate comment section in posts


  • nitzan19 started the conversation

    Hi :)

    I can't figure out how to add a comment section to my posts (Iv'e seen on demos that this is possible within this theme).

    Thanks for the help!

  • nitzan19 replied

    And another thing - is there a possibility to show the featured slider only on the web version and disable it on the mobile version?


  • nitzan19 replied

    and one more thing - I dont know why but i have a huge gap between the slider and the rest of the homepage (see attachment), how to fix that?

  • nitzan19 replied

    I must say that the gap error mentioned in my reply below disappears when the slider is disabled (meaning the home featured boxes, that currently apear under the huge gap under the slider, apear right under the header with no gap when the slider is disabled). I couldnt the setting that would fix it without disabling the whole slider, please help :)

    thanks so much!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please go to:

    Customize > Single Post Options > and make sure you don't check to "Hide Comments"

    and go to Dashboard > Settings > Discussion > and check the options here - maybe you've hide it.

    2/ To do that, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
    .featured-area{ display: none; }

    3/ I see everything is fine:

    Please clearly all the cache and check it again with anonymous browser to get correct results.

    Best Regards,


  • nitzan19 replied


    thanks for your reply on 2 and 3, it solved it.

    regarding 1 (posts) - the problem was indeed in the dashboard.

    I have a few more questions -

    1. regarding the related posts in a single post page - hjow can I move the related posts galery so it apears beneath the comment section and not above it?

    2. I have a slight problem with the home featured boxes. at some page width the text on the box slides out of the box (see attachment). if you slide the page width a bit narrower it turnes into a vertical view and this is solved. in full width it works well as well - the problem is only in the mid range. how to fix it? 

  • nitzan19 replied

    one more question:

    3. on category page, how can i align the text (that appear under the headline, the category description) to the center?

    thanks for the help

  • nitzan19 replied

    4. for some reason in the comments section, the default avatar that is attached to users comments works well, but my (the admin) avatar is distorted (see attachment - coin is user default avatar, picture is admin avatar). 

    5. how do I change the colors of the comment section in posts? (text color, background color, send button color etc).


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ We will add more one option for help you can change the order for that sections in the next updates. Please wait for it.

    2/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fixed it:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 960px) and (min-width: 768px){
    ul.homepage-featured-boxes .penci-fea-in h4 span span{ height: auto; line-height: 1.2; white-space: normal; padding: 10px; }

    3/  Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .penci-category-description{ text-align: center; }

    4/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fix it:

    .thecomment .author-img img{ width: 100%; }

    5/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    #respond textarea, .wpcf7 textarea, #respond input, .wpcf7 input{ color: #111111; background: #ffffff; }
    #respond #submit{ background: #013d2f; color: #ffffff; }
    #respond #submit:hover{ background: #013d2f; color: #ffffff; }

    Change colors code above to any color as you want.

    Best Regards,


  • nitzan19 replied


    Thanks for answers 2 to 4, it worked out great.

    the code you provided in answer 5 doesnt work for some reason, after inserting it to custom CSS and clicking publish it kept telling me that something went wrong and to try again later. I also couldnt see any change in the post page preview while changing the color codes in this code while its in the custom CSS (meaning I changed the color codes but the preview didnt change).

    another question - is there a way to align the text in the text widget in the sidebar (the one on the bottom of my sidebar)?

  • nitzan19 replied


    is there a way to minimize the space between the end of the post and the comment section? right now there is a noticeable gap (I would estimate about 200px) that doesn't look good (see attachment). thanks a lot!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ I didn't see any wrong on the code I sent. Have you copy correct the code? Can you show me screenshot about the error?

    2/  Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .penci-sidebar-content .textwidget{ text-align: center; }

    Change it to text-align: left; if you want to make it align to left.

    3/ Please go to Customize > Single Post Options > and check to "Hide Share Box"

    If you want to reduce that space more, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    #respond h3.comment-reply-title{ padding-top: 0 !important; border-top: none; }

    Best Regards,


  • nitzan19 replied


    1. I disabled the share box and added your code, and it did help until i re-added the related post section - could you send me the CSS code that would disable the padding on top of the related posts?

    2. the comment section color code you sent me is still not working, im attaching images to show you the problem:

    a. error 5 - shows the error message I get every time I try to publish with that specific code in custom CSS. it's hebrew for: "Looks like something went wrong. please wait a few seconds and try again." this error disappear when I remove this specific code segment. 

    b. CODE AS IS: I checked a few times that I copied it correctly, you can see in this image (in orange box). this image also shows the comment section colors as they were before trying to change them using this code. it shows an error even if I try to save it at this point.

    c. CODE AFTER CHANGE: I changed two color codes (shown with orange errors) but the comment section colors did not change (shown with yellow arrow).

    thank you for the help! :)

  • nitzan19 replied

    3. I am having trouble enabling the footbar menu. Ive created a new menu, set it to appear on the footbar menu and added pages to it, it I dont see it on the site.  

    4. how can I change the order of the categories and sub-categories in:

    a) category widget on sidebar

    b) top menu (I wish to change the order of subcategories in each mega-menu)

    5. how can I change the category mega menus on the top menu to show a scroll down list instead of showing thumbnail of posts in the category?

    6. the "back to top" button in the bottom of the page is in a different font than the rest of the site, how do I change that? (desired font is google font "Varela Round" if that matters)

    7. is there a way to make *specific* posts appear on the featured slider? (meaning the slider wont show posts from a specific category or popular posts, and will only show several specific posts that I choose) 

    thanks a lot!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .post-comments .post-title-box, .post-related{ padding-top: 0; border: none; }

    2/ Please send me your admin url and admin account ( username and password ). I will take it a look on this.

    3/ You need to enable it via Customize > Footer Options > Enable Footer Menu.

    4/ Please try use this plugin to do that. For category widget on the sidebar - I'm not sure it will work because that's come from the core of Wordpress itself. If that plugin can't make it work for category widget on sidebar - that mean there is no way to do that for category widget.

    5/ I don't understand about your question here. Please tell me more about this.

    6/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    #footer-section .go-to-top-parent span{ font-family: 'Varela Round', sans-serif; }

    7/ You can use featured tags to do that. Please do following steps below:

    a) Go to Posts > Tags > create a new tag. ( Example: "featured" ) And add this tag for all posts you want to appears on the slider.

    b) Go to Appearance > Featured Slider Options > on "Filter Featured Slider By" > select "Featured Tags" and fill the tag slug of category 'featured' to "Fill List Featured Tags for Featured Slider"

    Best Regards,


  •   nitzan19 replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed it help you. Seem that's issues with the id "#submit" from Customizer.

    For issues with the zoom-in and zoom-out - that's normal because most of slider will get broken when you zoom-in, out the browser. Also, I didn't see any reader go to a website and zoom-in, zoom-out a browser. So, ignore that issue.

    Best Regards,


  • nitzan19 replied


    how can I align the footer sign up form to the center?

    and how can I control the size of the boxes (name and email) in the footer sign up form? I want them to be the same size, preferably also on the same row.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please use the code as we've provided on the documentation for make it display in a row:

    Also, we can't display 3 fields to a row. It will get bad for look, so we will hide the name field when use the form at the footer.

    Best Regards,


  • nitzan19 replied


     I meant having the mail and the name boxes on the same row, and having the submit button on another row. I couldnt find in the link you attached a way to do that, to control the size of the boxes or to centralize it. 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I've said with you - we don't support for display Name field on Footer SignUp Form.

    If you want to do that, it just can be display 3 fields on 3 rows. Can't display name & email on the same row.

    Let's go to Dashboard > Mailchimp for WP > Form and use this markup:

    <p class="">Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Let's stay updated!</p>
    <p class=""><input type="text" name="NAME" placeholder="Name..."></p>
    <p class=""><input type="email" id="mc4wp_email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Email..." required=""></p>
    <p class=""><input type="submit" value="Subscribe"></p>

    Best Regards,
