So, it doesn't display caused by your ads itself - doesn't related with the theme.
3 & 4/ Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support ads for left & right space.
For ads between categories sections:
Example if you want to put ads below category "INTERESTING FACTS" on the homepage - please go to Posts > Categories > edit category "INTERESTING FACTS" > scroll down and you can see option for put ads below this category.
5/ Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support add date on the header.
You just can add menu items on the topbar - replace with the "Latest News" at the top left via Customize > Topbar Options > Enable Topbar Menu.
If you do that, remember go to Appearance > Menus > create a new menu for that Topbar > scroll down and check to "Topbar Menu" at the bottom.
1. I think your AMP add explaination is based on old code now google gives seperate code for amp version so and i have pasted on amp version in post it leaves space for add but not showing, and on home page it shows only in the footer i have put code for after slide and after latest post but its not showing
2. i Have put auto ads code but its not working properly yet.
1/ Let's do following like on our guide. Take 2 values from data-ad-client and data-ad-slot from your google adsense and put it to the code like we've said on the documentation - Don't use auto amp ads on AMP because it will auto places the ads to any place - Doesn't showing in the places as we've provided in the theme.
2/ Please use normal ads - not auto ads. Because google auto ads will auto random ads for any place on your site.
I have used the same code as i get it from google. Previously i have used auto ads but after you told i have used the custom Ads. so plz let me know what can i do.
If so, you should asked them again because they manage google ads. We don't manage your ads code and the theme can't be change from normal ads to auto ads.
In The Post add section there is only an option that after how much paragraph you want to show ads. So is there any method to show ads after N number of words because i am making 2 line paragraph in my post so due to this its enough ads starts showing on my 1 post which i don't want.
OK, Then is there any option, to limited my ads inside the post, I.e only n no of ads shows in between ads, not unlimited ads. Because this time it shows after n number of para so if i have 100 para in one post and i set general after 4 para then it shows 25 ads in a single post. so i want to chnage it so that it isn't depenfd on para no, Its max'm shows only 2 to 3 ads between post.
Please create a new ticket and our support team will check it help you. Please don't put the reply to ticket of another people because they will get notice email from your reply.
1.When i add adsense code in AMP version then in live customizer it shows the home page get crushed. So how can i use conde in AMP version
2. I have activated ads between post after 2nd para but it isn't showing
3. I want to show ads in the laft and right side space, above featured image so how can i do that?
4. On home page i want to show ads on both side space and in between category section, so how can i do that?
5. How can i add date and temp section in header section.
1/ You need go to Appearance > Customizer AMP ( NOT Customize ) - and please check guide for ads on AMP here
2/ Please check again your ads code. I can see your ads code appears fine on the front-end
Check this image:
So, it doesn't display caused by your ads itself - doesn't related with the theme.
3 & 4/ Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support ads for left & right space.
For ads between categories sections:
Example if you want to put ads below category "INTERESTING FACTS" on the homepage - please go to Posts > Categories > edit category "INTERESTING FACTS" > scroll down and you can see option for put ads below this category.
5/ Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support add date on the header.
You just can add menu items on the topbar - replace with the "Latest News" at the top left via Customize > Topbar Options > Enable Topbar Menu.
If you do that, remember go to Appearance > Menus > create a new menu for that Topbar > scroll down and check to "Topbar Menu" at the bottom.
Best Regards,
1. I think your AMP add explaination is based on old code now google gives seperate code for amp version so and i have pasted on amp version in post it leaves space for add but not showing, and on home page it shows only in the footer i have put code for after slide and after latest post but its not showing
2. i Have put auto ads code but its not working properly yet.
1/ Let's do following like on our guide. Take 2 values from data-ad-client and data-ad-slot from your google adsense and put it to the code like we've said on the documentation - Don't use auto amp ads on AMP because it will auto places the ads to any place - Doesn't showing in the places as we've provided in the theme.
2/ Please use normal ads - not auto ads. Because google auto ads will auto random ads for any place on your site.
Best Regards,
I have updated the code but its showing on some page only. Many of the post page not showing Ads
Have you use normal ads or auto ads? If you're using auto ads - that's normal.
Best Regards,
I am using normal Ads.
Can you tell me where you did add the ads code and where it doesn't showing?
Best Regards,
I have added the code inside post add section, it showing on many pages but not on few pages
In 1st its showing ads in between post and in the side bar also but in 2nd and 3rd its not showing
Please try:
1/ Add more this code to Customize > Logo and Header Options > Add Custom Code Inside <head> Tag:
2/ On the ads code in sidebar & single posts options, remove the script code above.
Best Regards,
Its Still Not working on some post.
Please make sure you have enough 3 paragraphs on that posts
Because you've select to appears ads after 3 paragraphs.
Best Regards,
Generall all post are more than 3 Paragraph, and ads is not showing in sidebar also for that post and side bar is present in all the post.
Please send me your admin url and admin account ( username and password ) and your ads code.
I will take it a look on this.
Best Regards,
I just checked your site and I see your ads appears very random.
I've tried remove all the codes from Customize > Logo and Header Options > Add Custom Code Inside <Head> tag
And Customize > Single Post Options > Add Ads Inside Posts Content
And keep the ads on the sidebar only.
But, the ads appears like this.
No appears on the sidebar:
Appears at the end of posts:
And I see the ads is AUTO ADS:
So, please check again your ads settings.
It's not issues related with the theme.
Best Regards,
I have used the same code as i get it from google. Previously i have used auto ads but after you told i have used the custom Ads. so plz let me know what can i do.
You should ask google adsense support to know how to disable google auto ads and use normal ads for your site. I can't affect anything to your ads.
Best Regards,
How can i show ads between article in AMP version as it shows in normal site.
Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support this feature on AMP, we will consider to add more this feature in the future updates.
Best Regards,
I have talked with google and closed my auto ads but its still Not showing ads on some pages.
If so, you should asked them again because they manage google ads. We don't manage your ads code and the theme can't be change from normal ads to auto ads.
Best Regards,
In The Post add section there is only an option that after how much paragraph you want to show ads. So is there any method to show ads after N number of words because i am making 2 line paragraph in my post so due to this its enough ads starts showing on my 1 post which i don't want.
Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support this feature.
If you don't enough paragraphs, you should add new line from your editor to create empty paragraphs to make the ads display.
Best Regards,
OK, Then is there any option, to limited my ads inside the post, I.e only n no of ads shows in between ads, not unlimited ads. Because this time it shows after n number of para so if i have 100 para in one post and i set general after 4 para then it shows 25 ads in a single post. so i want to chnage it so that it isn't depenfd on para no, Its max'm shows only 2 to 3 ads between post.
Unfortunately, currently there is no way to do that..
We will consider to calculate again with this case.
Best Regards,
My post comment section is not showing why? I have changed all the setting is discussion section in wordpress but it still not showing.
Please go to Customize > Single Post Options > and make sure you don't check to "Hide Comments"
Also, please make sure you've allowed for comment - check this guide for more.
Best Regards,
I have done the same Now comment box is showing, but other box like name, email, url is not showing. So plz resolve that
You've logged in - so, you can't see that field. Let's logout and you will see that.
Best Regards,
How to stop showing post publishing date in google search result?
To do that, please do following this image
Best Regards,
I have done the same but it still showing Post Publishing Date in the Google Search Result. Plz check attached image.
You need wait a few time for google update your site. Google doesn't update it direct,
Best Regards,
Few pages of my sites Updated like: but still publishing date showing for this in google search result
Please try remove more this selected code and wait google update it - check this image
Best Regards,
How to place high CPC keyword adsense code in right place in Birthday jokes website
Please create a new ticket and our support team will check it help you. Please don't put the reply to ticket of another people because they will get notice email from your reply.
Best Regards,