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  Public Ticket #2012386
Favicon not working in Chrome


  • dino77 started the conversation

    Hey there,

    I uploaded my favicon to the theme, it's working in safari but not in chrome.  Very annoying...
    There is a shield icon on the right of the browser. When one click on that icon it says: "This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources." 
    If I download the "unsafe script", then favicon comes in and works well until I reload the page.
    Console error: Mixed Content: The page  was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure favicon. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
    Is there any solution to fix this?

    Thank you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue related with your SSL issue.

    Please try one in 2 things below:

    1/ Try solve it by use plugin Really Simple SSL.

    2/ Download your favicon image to computer, rename image and re-upload & set it again for faviconsmile.png

    Hope this helps,

    Best Regards,


  • dino77 replied

    Thanks! First option solved the problem. ;)