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  Public Ticket #2016338
Need to change a logo image to https


  • juanmmontenegro started the conversation

    Hi, how are you?

    My site is appearing as insecure (no SSL), because the soledad Logo is being uploaded from http and not https.

    Can you tell me where exactly I can change this line? I have checked all CSS files, the index file (which just loads other files, which I also checked).

    And also, please consider fixing it in upcoming updates because it makes no sense to reference non secure resources at this time we are at.

    I send you a screenshot of what I mean. That is exactly where the line is, in the index. I know where the image is from the theme folders, but the problem is the link that calls the resource from your site, that is http instead of https.

    And again, please consider fixing this for future updates.

    Looking forward for your indication on where I can update this line.

    Many thanks in advance,



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you, we're fine.

    No - That's not error.

    You need to update your logo images via:

    Customize > Logo and Header Options > "Logo for Vertical Mobile Nav"

    Best Regards,
