This fix does not work for me any longer. Did the method of increasing text size in Gutenberg editor change or is there something wrong at my end? I've applied the fix bellow under the child theme for soledad.
I've edited the file soledad-child/inc/gutenberg/style.css. I also tried changing the file for the main theme, with equal result. The editor still show (in Gutenberg) regular paragraphs as 14px.
I've attached a screenshot that might explain what I've done better and how it looks.
I attempted to add inc/gutenberg/style.css to the soledad-child -theme and modified the settings there. This had no effect, but using your instructions to edit the main theme does work.
I currently have multiple sites running Soledad, I would like to know how to fix this myself. I am amazed this issue have not been fixed after such a long time, there is no reason why any font should be this tiny (as default) back-end or front-end.
This might be an odd request but I hope you can help me out.
Is it possible to increase the font-size shown while editing text in Gutenberg? It's so small and after a few hours I want to tear my eyes out :/
I know how to change the font-size on published text on the website (but that is not what I am asking).
If you want to do that, you need to edit the file in this theme, please do following this image.
After that, back again to editor, press Ctrl + F5 to clearly all the cache.
Best Regards,
Sorry for bumping an old thread.
This fix does not work for me any longer. Did the method of increasing text size in Gutenberg editor change or is there something wrong at my end? I've applied the fix bellow under the child theme for soledad.
No - it still works.
What's elements on editor you got this issue?
Best Regards,
I am probably doing something wrong, that's all.
I've edited the file soledad-child/inc/gutenberg/style.css. I also tried changing the file for the main theme, with equal result. The editor still show (in Gutenberg) regular paragraphs as 14px.
I've attached a screenshot that might explain what I've done better and how it looks.
Thank you.
Please send me your site admin URL and admin account ( username and password ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look at this to help you.
Best Regards,
It seems you changed it wrong. I've changed it here and it works:
Please open the editor - press Ctrl + F5 sometime to clearly all the cache to apply the changes
Best Regards,
I attempted to add inc/gutenberg/style.css to the soledad-child -theme and modified the settings there. This had no effect, but using your instructions to edit the main theme does work.
Thank you.
Yeah, currently please modify it on parent theme.
Best Regards,
This problem seem to return every so often. Is there any chance of a more permanent fix to this issue?
Please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and help you config it.
I have made a private reply with login details.
I currently have multiple sites running Soledad, I would like to know how to fix this myself. I am amazed this issue have not been fixed after such a long time, there is no reason why any font should be this tiny (as default) back-end or front-end.
Please follow these steps:
1. Install & activate the Admin CSS MU plugin here:,
2. Go to Appearance → Admin CSS MU: copy & paste the following CSS code to this screen:
Change 18px to the font size you want to show.