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  Public Ticket #2016406
Increase items in .Soledad List Banner widget


  •  1
    Ronald started the conversation

    I love the look of the .Soledad List Banner widget, and am actually using it as a menu (rather than showing ads) in my sidebar.

    The widget is limited to 3 banners. Is there a way to increase this, with code or similar? I would like it to show 5 possible banners.

    Thank you.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can use more a "Soledad List Banner" widget below that widget.

    And add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to reduce space between that 2 widgets:

    .penci-sidebar-content .penci_list_bannner_widget{ margin-bottom: 30px; }

    Best Regards,


  • jut11b replied


    I have the same issue.  I'd like to use the "Soledad List Banner" as a sidebar menu with 4 items.  I've tried to implement this solution.  I placed 2 "Soledad List Banner" widgets in my side bar, and I added the custom CSS, but the spacing is not changing.  This was previously working in an older version of Wordpress.  I think moving to blocks has stopped it from working correctly. 



  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @jut11b,

    Please create a new ticket with your site URL.

    I'll check and send you a custom CSS code.
