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  Public Ticket #2024372
Author's name


  • FrancoiseBaudoul started the conversation

    Hi. I am using this beautiful theme, Soledad. I have 2 little questions about the  author's name appearing on top of the posts:

    1) By default, the first name and name which appear under the post title are displayed with first letters being capital letters. In our case, the author name is in three words, out of which two should be lower case letters (this is otherwise incorrect). I entered the name properly under Users, in the Dashboard. But still, Soledad would turn the first lower case letters into upper case ones. How can I solve this?

    2) By defaults, a click on the author's name at the top of a post brings us back to the homepage. How can I suppress this and have simply no link at all (I don't want to leave the post/page)? 

    Thank you very much for your help and congratulations with this very nice theme !

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme and loving it.

    1/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fixed it:

    .header-standard .author-post span a{ text-transform: none; }

    2/ If you want to do that, you need to edit the file in this theme. Please do following this image to do that.

    Best Regards,


  • FrancoiseBaudoul replied

    Thanks a lot. I forgot to mention I am using a child theme. 

    I added 1) to the child theme, via custom CSS. It works perfectly, thank you.

    I also carried out the 2) modif in the parent theme, then. It works. We'll see whenever there will be a theme update...

    Thank you !

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If so, you can copy content-single.php file from parent theme and paste it to child theme folder and edit it.

    Best Regards,


  • FrancoiseBaudoul replied

    Great. Thanks a lot for your help !!!