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  Public Ticket #2025212


  • tkdidier started the conversation


    I tried to save a code to the theme functions.php file but i am getting error code 406. I can save to other files in the files manager. Can you please advise?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Seem your code is wrong. With all custom code you added to the theme, you need to control it for yourself. Because we don't provide support for requirements like thatsmile.pngCustomers can't edit the theme to make it doesn't work and asked us to fix it...

    Best Regards,


  • tkdidier replied


    Sorry for the misunderstanding, I don't expect you to fix the problem. I am just asking if the theme is design to not allow customization of the function.php file or if the problem could be my php version. The fact that i cannot even save a comment line is what is weird. It is not that my code is wrong. Either way i have it figure out with a plugin, I wanted to modify the function .ph file instead of using a plugin. Anyway that you for your support. Awesome theme, awesome support!!!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for loving our theme.

    If you want to edit the functions.php file - you can use Appearance > Theme Editor.

    If you can't do that via editor page - let's ask your hosting provider about this issue. Our theme doesn't block it.

    Best Regards,
