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  Public Ticket #2028513
Can I make this category


  •  1
    Mannenmedia started the conversation

    Hi team Penci, 

    I have a babes-category on my men's online magazine (with some NSFW-content, no porn, just the most beautfull women in the world) and I want to make that category 'not visible'. Visitors clearly love it, but advertisers don't really like that category.

    By that, I mean; the site should have like a 'NSFW-on' button. The site should be without NSFW, untill somebody wants it activated. For example, this site VKMAG had a nsfw button in the top ( )

    It is possible to have this Babes-category not appear on the frontpage? But still have it be a active role in the site where visitors can go and see?

    Greetings, Martin.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, currently there is no way to do that.

    I think you should create a new site for that topic only and link from your site to that sitesmile.png

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    Mannenmedia replied

    Okay okay... good idea!

    How can I transfer the whole category (all the previous posts) over to the new site?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can use plugin WordPress Importer to do that.

    Best Regards,
