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  Public Ticket #2028663
How to serve scaled images in gallery?


  • dino77 started the conversation


    I am not a web developer and i am pretty new to all of this so please forgive me if i made any mistakes.

    I wondered if you could help me with this issue...

    The main reason I bought this theme because it is lightweight and fast. I'm very pleased with it.

    My home page is pretty fast.
    However my posts and pages are much slower if the post/page contains gallery with enlarge effect.

    I run a Gtmetrix test and it says I need to serve scaled images properly and compressing them. The problem comes from that I want the gallery's images be enlarged, but thumbnails are showing the full size of image ( most of them with 1024 width.) , and it slows down the loading time. Check attached files.

    It is strange that on the home page images has 5 sizes - 779x449, 374x249, 340x226,159x106, 120x80- and can serve scaled images without problems.
    How is it possible that in the gallery we serve very small images for thumbnails, and when we want to enlarge it we get the full size of image? 

    Thank you for your help!



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    That's Block Gallery from WordPress itself and currently it doesn't support for change the image size for images in the Block Gallery.. So, currently there is no way to do thatfrown.png

    Best Regards,


  • dino77 replied

    It's a bad news. :(

    Is there any other method ( plugin, code, etc) which can solve this problem?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I said before - that's a core from WordPress itself and currently there is no way to change it...

    We just can wait WordPress update that feature in the future.

    Best Regards,
