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  Public Ticket #2029358
Homepage Magazine - social share icons


  • manuelhernandez started the conversation

    Hi, i need to show the social share icons in each post in Homepage Magazine (Style 1), very similar to the Grid Posts format (Homepage).

    Can you help me please?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If so, you can do that by use Grid Layout.
    Please go to Customize > General Options > on "Homepage Layout" select "Grid Posts".
    After that, go to Customize > Homepage Options > and check to "Enable Featured Categories for All Layouts - Not for Magazine Layouts Only"

    Best Regards,

  • manuelhernandez replied

    Hi, thanks for the answer.

    I did what you mentioned, but the icons are not displayed in the modules that have the format of Magazine, only in the latest news.

    I need the icons to be seen in the categories of Magazine, just as seen in the attached image.

    If the themes does not allow it, could you tell me in which files and lines of code I can make that adjustment? because I imagine that I can use a son theme to make those modifications, right?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Ahh, if so, you need to edit the files in the theme to do that.

    You can check the codes for magazine styles via soledad/inc/modules/magazine-style-1.php

    magazine-style-1.php for featured category style 1

    magazine-style-2.php for featured category style 2

    magazine-style-3.php for featured category style 3

    ... etc

    Best Regards,
