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  Public Ticket #2035254
Popular Posts Position


  • avegtastefromatoz started the conversation

    Hi! I'm really loving the theme so far!
    I just wonder if there's a way to make popular post and all the featured homepage boxes appear BELOW the latest post. 

    I don't like that my picture and the "about me" section is below these blocks.
    I would love it for be visible as soon as the homepage has loaded.
    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for loving our theme.

    To do that, you need to use WPBakery Page Builder plugin to config your homepage.

    Please check this guide to know how to get WPBakery Page Builder.

    After that, check this video tutorial to know how to config homepage by use WPbakery.

    And you can use element "Soledad Popular Posts" and "Soledad Featured Boxes" from WPBakery to make it display below latest posts.

    Best Regards,
