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  Public Ticket #2040296
Featured Image Not Appearing


  • Rebecca started the conversation

    I am able to see the featured image on my home screen but i am not able to see it as the first image on each post. Would you happen to know why that is?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I see everything working fine now. Seem you've figured out the issues.

    Best Regfards,


  • Rebecca replied

    I have an update for this issue. The soledad theme is not compatible with the Social Warfare plugin which is what is causing my Featured Image to disappear from the top of my blog posts. Is there any way to fix this issue? Some of my friends who are using this plugin are running into the same issue. This was not an issue before.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I'm sure the theme working fine with Social Warfare plugin. Because I see too much other customers use our theme still use the theme with that plugin without any issue.

    Please make sure:

    1/ You don't enable lazyload images from Jetpack plugin or another plugin or use a plugin for create lazyload images.

    2/ Check the setting from Social Warfare - maybe you did something from there to caused the issue.

    Best Regards,
