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  Public Ticket #2057559
Render Blocking Resources and Unused CSS


  • Jack started the conversation

    Hi Guys,

    We purchased your theme a bit ago and have spent considerable time building our website - which we hope to

    launch in the very near future.

    To that end we have been running speed testing, etc to assure a good user experience on both mobile and desktop.

    While conducting these tests using PageSpeed Insights, GT Metrix, etc we have noticed a trend of unused CSS and

    render blocking errors that have been hurting our page load speed and score.

    In an attempt to cover all our bases we purchased both WP Rocket and Imagify to better optimize the site - those tools

    only helped the site score marginally.

    We have continued to troubleshoot - and just recently compared the errors with those that appear when we run the StarNews template -

    most of the errors appearing on StarNews template also appear on our site.

    Is there an update for the Star News template errors? We're trying to have a high or at least reasonably fast site both via mobile and

    desktop - mobile is currently in the bottom 25 percentile - could you take a look at our site and the template related issues? Your help would

    be greatly appreciated.

    We believe when complete - our site could showcase a great use of your template for future folks wishing to buy a great template.

    Thanks again for your help - we appreciate it!


  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please checkthis guide to know how to optimixe speed on your site.

    If it doesn't work,  let's send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a lock on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  • Jack replied


    We just finished testing our website after following your optimization guide. We notice almost no difference to our PageSpeed insights score and our GT Metrix score went down by around 10 points. 

    Would you like me create a full access admin account for you to use while you check the website over? 

    Thanks for all the help, we really appreciate it,


  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please  send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   Jack replied privately
  •  501
    Penci replied


    I checked on  your site on PageSpeed insights score and our GT Metrix.

    PageSpeed Score is 96 on GT Metrix. PageSpeed Score is 77  on PageSpeed insights. It is normal.

    Don't worry about the issue. Please check this post to know  the Difference Between GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Tools and WebPagetest

    For google page speed on mobile:

    Yeah, the issue caused by recently Google just updated rules for google page speed insights. On mobile, it requirements too much things about "Reduce server response times (TTFB)" and requirements to limit to use css & javascript. It apply for all sites now. And most of issues on mobile based on your hosting much.. Currently, there is no way to optimize it on mobile... And most of all sites on internet has speed like so.

    We will find more about this, if there is solution - we will write a solution for all customers1ie98cQOUbysbKqcc5erV2WUxGiCzkEnKM83De24kNTQ-DIrehDOOtBEkbPmmakoeuJ5M0cGuI3KG7msRF_Iv9AdIr2Z9NTFM4XFSmR0gQhsCQfR6htopykXwV0N2dyCkgrR_zRC

    Best Regards,


  • Jack replied


    Thank you for all of you help.

    We have been working on the site all day and got the PageSpeed Insights Score to 96 Desktop and 65 Mobile along with a 98 GT Metrix Score. 

    In case it helps others, we ended up needing to in add the CDN address into WP-Rocket (I believe there is a similar setting in W3 Cache),  that resolved most of the render blocking errors and substantially increased our page speed scores.

    Thanks again for all of the help,
