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  Public Ticket #2060109
Woocommerce Cart Qty


  • Terry started the conversation

    In the lst week our store qty has become fixed as qty = 1 and a hidden input. Previously it was variable and able to be modified at the cart. Only some products are affeceted and any NEW product created. Products are in Stock, NOT Sold Individually and are Simple. Reverted Theme to a WP Default and Souldad Parent and all worked ok so it is only child that is not operating correctly. In addition we cannot save any custom CSS under theme_customise which has only just occurred in the past week. ALL cache has been purged as test also. Happy to create admin access for you to troubleshoot as all seems to be related to child-theme issue.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If so, seem you've added something from the child theme.

    Let's remove each code part you've added to the child theme for check what's the code caused the issue. I can confirm our child theme doesn't caused any issue like that.

    Best Regards,


  • Terry replied

    Thanks. WP Admin page will not Save any CSS changes.

    Can i export child theme settings? - How
    Can i reset CSS customisation for Child theme to default? - How
    Can i reset child theme to NO customisation? - How

    Basically what i am asking now is how can i backup settings (should i just backup theme folder from server?) and then replace style & css with NIL customisation. Alternatively can just copy some select files via FTP to server to reset configuration?

    Hope that makes sense

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    With your case, I think you just need backup the customization data & the child theme is enough.

    You can backup the child theme by download it from your server.

    For customization data, you can use plugin Customizer Export/Import to do that. After installed that plugin, go to Customize > Export/Import > and export the customization data - you will get a .dat file.

    You can use this .dat file for import it after if your customization data lose.

    Best Regards,


  • Terry replied

    I have exported.

    How do i reset child theme so no customisation?
     - uninstall from WP
     - delete files from server
     - and reinstall?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    No - I mean about what the codes you've added to functions.php file in the child theme and what's the files you've overridden by use child theme.

    Best Regards,

  • Terry replied

    Found the issue and its something to pin up on the baord as not the norm ..... Basically MOD SECURITY acted on a false positive at our host level and quarantined admin-ajax.php

    Once that was sorted we did find a plugin with some bad scripting and killed it.

    Thank you for your time on this - case closed and sit humming along again : )