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  Public Ticket #2061949
Color change for main text


  • designlovesandra started the conversation


    I can't find it anywhere to change the colors for following:

    1. Main text color

    2. Text color in posts for date, "written by" etc. and I guess it's a same one for the search field in the body section or inside comments form.

    3. background for the buttons like submit on the comments form.



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    body{ color: #b53232; }

    2/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .header-standard .author-post span, 
    .penci-post-box-meta .penci-box-meta span, 
    .penci-post-box-meta .penci-box-meta a,
    .grid-post-box-meta span,
        color: #ff0000;
    #respond input::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #ff0000; }
    #respond input:-moz-placeholder { color: #ff0000; opacity:  1; }
    #respond input::-moz-placeholder { color: #ff0000; opacity:  1; }
    #respond input:-ms-input-placeholder{ color: #ff0000; }
    #respond input::-ms-input-placeholder{ color: #ff0000; }
    #respond input::placeholder{ color: #ff0000; }
    #respond textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #ff0000; }
    #respond textarea:-moz-placeholder { color: #ff0000; opacity:  1; }
    #respond textarea::-moz-placeholder { color: #ff0000; opacity:  1; }
    #respond textarea:-ms-input-placeholder{ color: #ff0000; }
    #respond textarea::-ms-input-placeholder{ color: #ff0000; }
    #respond textarea::placeholder{ color: #ff0000; }

    Change all color codes  #ff0000  above to any color code as you want. You can get a color code here

    3/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    #respond #submit, .wpcf7 input[type="submit"], 
    .widget_wysija input[type="submit"]{ color: #ffffff; background-color: #ff0000; }
    #respond #submit:hover, .wpcf7 input[type="submit"]:hover, 
    .widget_wysija input[type="submit"]:hover{ color: #ffffff; background: #ffff00; }

    Best Regards,


  • designlovesandra replied

    Thank you good people! 

    All good with that <3

    Everything worked for the main page but still few things i'm missing on post page. (I'm attaching SSH)

    Can you help me a little bit more please :)

    1. the date under the title

    2. the quote text didn't change for the body color

    3. the navigation through other posts color didn't change for the body color

    4. titles for comments section also didn't change for the body color

    5. and on the right sidebar - recent posts - color of date also didn't change

    6 . categories widget - the amount of articles need to change that 

    7. the color of text and icon inside the search field on the right sidebar search widget 

    8. Oh and last thing, TAGS - the color of the text in normal state 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to change the color for date under the title:

    .post-box-meta-single span, .thecomment .comment-text{ color: #ff0000; }

    2/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to change the color for text on blockquote:

    .post-entry blockquote, .post-entry blockquote p, .wpb_text_column blockquote, .wpb_text_column blockquote p{ color: #ff0000; }

    3/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to change the color for text on posts navigation:

    .post-pagination a{ color: #ff0000; }

    4/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to change the color for text on comment section:

    #respond h3.comment-reply-title span, .post-box-title, .thecomment .comment-text a, .thecomment .comment-text a:hover, .post-comments span.reply a{ color: #ff0000; }

    5/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to change the color for text on date for sidebar:

    .widget ul.side-newsfeed li .side-item .side-item-text .side-item-meta{ color: #ff0000; }

    6/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to change the color for posts count text on category widget:

    .widget.widget_categories ul li span.category-item-count{ color: #ff0000; }

    7/ The icon there can't be change the color. I just can help you change the color for the placeholder text on search field. Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    #searchform{ color: #ff0000; }
    #searchform { color: #ff0000; }
    #searchform { color: #ff0000; opacity:  1; }
    #searchform { color: #ff0000; opacity:  1; }
    #searchform{ color: #ff0000; }
    #searchform{ color: #ff0000; }
    #searchform{ color: #ff0000; }

    8/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to change the color for text on posts navigation:

    .container-single .post-entry .post-tags a{ color: #ff0000; border-color: #ff0000; }

    I see you have too much questions for item customization - we've tried to help you all but it take much time for us.

    Please check Envato Support Policy here

    The support doesn't include: Item customization

    So, in the next time, we will can't help you more with questions for customization like that - because we can't provide supports like that for all 20k+ customers use this theme.

    Best Regards,


  • designlovesandra replied

    Very Sorry and thank you so much for your time, all works just perfectly!

    Wonderfull day and thank you again!
