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  Public Ticket #2064515
How do I edit the default "Blog" page


  • papaMel started the conversation

    My website:

    I'm very happy with the PenNews theme and have figured out most of how to use it to create my website without any help. 

    But I can not figure out how to edit the layout of the Blog page (the default page that came with the theme, where all my posts and categories or tag-related articles are shown). 

    Here is an example of my Single post page with the sidebar blocks I can not edit:

    Here is an example of my Category page with the same exact blocks:

    Here is an example of my Blog page with all my posts, and the blocks I can not edit:

    Here is an example of my Tag id page with multiple posts sharing a tag, and the blocks I can not edit:

    The layout of all the above pages is identical. How do I edit that layout? (especially the sidebars with the social media blocks that were part of the PenNews demo?)

    More info: 

    The default Blog page includes blocks that link directly to Awesome Earth's Instagram account (left sidebar) and a Twitter account  and a Pinterest account (right sidebar). The Instagram and Twitter blocks are live, and go directly to those peoples' Insta and Twitter. The pinterest block is not live and says "Pinterest data error: Please add the board nameThe pinterest data is not set, please check the ID"

    See attached image titled "Blog page Insta Twitter Pinterest blocks.jpg"

    Obviously, I want to put my own social media into these blocks.

    I also want to make other changes to the layout of this entire page. 

    But how? 

    When I go to Pages>All Pages>Blog - Posts Page and click on it to edit that page, it shows the screen that says: 

    "You have a blank page. Start adding content or templates." 

    See attached images titled "All Pages blog circled.jpg," "Blog edit page 1.jpg," and "Blog edit page 2.jpg."

    But the page exists and is the default layout for any of my blog entries, and for any of my pages where the site visitor is taken if they click on a category or a tag. 

    So clearly it is not "a blank page" as indicated in Blog edit page 1.jpg.

    I've tried clicking on just about every possible link or option on the page to see if I could get all the Penci blocks to show up so I can edit them, but I can not make that happen. 

    It's as if this is a locked default page created by Penci Design that the site admin (me) is not allowed to edit. 

    How can I edit this page, or control what blocks are shown on this page, including the ads and the social media?

  •  501
    Penci replied


    If you want change blog layout style, please go to Customize > Archive, Category, Blog, Tag, Search Pages Options then choose "Blog Layout Style" option

    Best Regards,


  • papaMel replied

    Thank you for showing me that, but that did not resolve my issue. 

    I need to edit the blocks in the left and right sidebars. Currently they are pointing at social media accounts that came in with the PenNews demo. 

    How do I edit those blocks?

    How do I get that block (see picture) to interact with MY social media accounts, instead of the Awesome Earth Instagram account? 

    Same thing on the right sidebar, where you have the Twitter feed and the Pinterest feed -- how do I edit those blocks (and all the rest of the blocks in the left and right sidebars?)

  • papaMel replied

    I found it! 

    I did not know this, but what I was actually looking for was the control of the sidebars by going to Appearance>Widgets>Right Sidebar (or Left Sidebar). 

    Everything in there seems easy to understand except for the Twitter widget. I will ask about that in a new ticket titled Twitter widget help needed.


  •  501
    Penci replied


    If you have question about  the twitter widget, please create ticket , we will check it help you.

    Best Regards,
