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  Public Ticket #2072014
Mobile Issue - Google


  •  1
    Adrianne started the conversation

    Hi and thanks, 

    I have noticed that Google is indicating to me that my site is not mobile friendly. 

    I have looked and tried to find the exact issue but I can't see what it is. 

    Please can you have a look and see if it is easy for you to spot the issue?

    From the screen shot it looks like when it is checked with the smartphone it thinks that the Names of the recipes are too close together in the top 'recipe' menu. But when I try it on my phone it looks ok. But I don't want this to affect my rankings so am trying to fix it. 

    Clickable elements too close together
    Content Wider than screen 

    Above are the 2 issues that come up. 



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    For mobile friendly & content wider than screen issues: as you can see on the image you sent, the google can't load your site. You should wait for google update it because I can access to your mobile interface without any issue.

    For elements are too close together - this is not affect to your SEO on mobile - let's ignore it because it doesn't affect to your site - you feel it's ok is finesmile.png

    Best Regards,
