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  Public Ticket #2072310
incomplete installed


  • afriadirosdi started the conversation

    I uploaded / installed the Soledad v.6.3.1. But Failed. 

    Please guide me.

    Thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You need to extract that package file and use for your install.

    Please check more here

    Best Regards,


  • afriadirosdi replied

    still fail.

    I have success installed. but when I activated soledad, my website not work. 

    This instruction: The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Seem your site has a plugin required with your old theme and that plugin can't work if you install another theme.

    Please go to Plugins > All Plugins > and deactivate all plugins required with your old theme and check it againsmile.png

    Best Regards,
