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  Public Ticket #2074409
Different Blog Page Template


  • sfranke1 started the conversation

    Hey Guys,

    i use your theme for my photography site and it looks really great! Thanks!

    Now my problem:

    I use the startpage with the latest blog post and exclude different post categories via a plugin (category excluder). Works fine and show only my latest client projects on the startpage. 

    On a scond page (called blog) i want to have a page template where i can select different post categories to show as a second blog for personal works. 

    Its like the normal way u can do with the categorys (/category/blog/) but the problem with this way is i can only select one category and the adress is "domain.xx/category/blog". 

    I believe the best way is to create a special php page template where i define the categories for the wp loop... (?)

    Do you understand my needs? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme.

    1/ With exclude some categories in the latest posts on homepage - this theme already supports it, you don't need to use a plugin to do that. Please deactivate the plugin and check option for it via Customize > Homepage Options > Exclude specific categories from latest posts on Homepage.

    2/ For create a blog page, I recommend you use WPBakery Page Builder plugin to do that.

    You can check guide here to know how to get WPBakery Page Builder.

    After that, go to Pages > Add New a page > select Template for this page is "Page VC Builder With Sidebar" or "Page VC Builder No Sidebar" > and use WPBakery to config this blog page by use element "Soledad Latest Posts" from WPBakery - and you can exclude any categories you want on blog page by use this element also.

    Best Regards,
