I am using your demo data and have slider on top. I want to change for sliders to display recent post. Right now it is set a to show 1 category.
But where I go to Penci Slider in admin dash board there is no sliders. Where is it getting those posts from and how can I modify to get different category or all new posts?
I am using your demo data and have slider on top. I want to change for sliders to display recent post. Right now it is set a to show 1 category.
But where I go to Penci Slider in admin dash board there is no sliders. Where is it getting those posts from and how can I modify to get different category or all new posts?
It seems that on home page you use featured slider. The shortcode show list of post.
It not Penci Slider. List shortcode, you will see featured slider and penci slider http://prntscr.com/od6xm3
Best Regards,
Perfect, we can close this ticket.Thanks