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  Public Ticket #2076605
related posts mobile


  • rtomasevic started the conversation

    How can i display 2 images side by side at related post on mobile

    At related_posts.php i only find data-desktop and data-tablet

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to do that, please open soledad/js/main.js and on line 265, replace this code:

    /* Owl Slider General
        PENCI.owl_slider = function () {
            if ( $().owlCarousel ) {
                $( '.penci-owl-carousel-slider' ).each( function () {
                    var $this = $( this ),
                        $auto = true,
                        $dots = false,
                        $nav = true,
                        $loop = true,
                        $rtl = false,
                        $dataauto = $ 'auto' ),
                        $items_desktop = 1,
                        $items_tablet = 1,
                        $items_tabsmall = 1,
                        $speed = 600,
                        $item = 1,
                        $autotime = 5000,
                        $datalazy = false;
                    if( $('html').attr('dir') === 'rtl' ) {
                        $rtl = true;
                    if ( $this.attr('data-dots') ) {
                        $dots = true;
                    if ( $this.attr('data-loop') ) {
                        $loop = false;
                    if ( $this.attr('data-nav') ) {
                        $nav = false;
                    if ( $this.attr('data-desktop') ) {
                        $items_desktop = parseInt( $'desktop') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-tablet') ) {
                        $items_tablet = parseInt( $'tablet') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-tabsmall') ) {
                        $items_tabsmall = parseInt( $'tabsmall') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-speed') ) {
                        $speed = parseInt( $'speed') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-autotime') ) {
                        $autotime = parseInt( $'autotime') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-item') ) {
                        $item = parseInt( $'item') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-lazy') ) {
                        $datalazy = true;
                    var owl_args = {
                        loop              : $loop,
                        rtl               : $rtl,
                        margin            : 0,
                        items             : $item,
                        slideBy           : $item,
                        lazyLoad          : $datalazy,
                        navSpeed          : $speed,
                        dotsSpeed         : $speed,
                        nav               : $nav,
                        dots              : $dots,
                        navText           : ['<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'],
                        autoplay          : $dataauto,
                        autoplayTimeout   : $autotime,
                        autoHeight        : true,
                        autoplayHoverPause: true,
                        autoplaySpeed     : $speed,
                        responsive        : {
                            0   : {
                                items  : 1,
                                slideBy: 1
                            480 : {
                                items  : $items_tabsmall,
                                slideBy: $items_tabsmall
                            768 : {
                                items  : $items_tablet,
                                slideBy: $items_tablet
                            1170: {
                                items  : $items_desktop,
                                slideBy: $items_desktop
                    if ( $this.hasClass( 'penci-headline-posts' ) ) {
                        owl_args['animateOut'] = 'slideOutUp';
                        owl_args['animateIn'] = 'slideInUp';
                    $this.imagesLoaded( function() { $this.owlCarousel( owl_args ); } );
                    $this.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) {
                        $this.find( '.penci-lazy' ).Lazy( {
                            effect: 'fadeIn',
                            effectTime: 300,
                            scrollDirection: 'both'
                        } );
                } );
            }    // if owlcarousel


    /* Owl Slider General
        PENCI.owl_slider = function () {
            if ( $().owlCarousel ) {
                $( '.penci-owl-carousel-slider' ).each( function () {
                    var $this = $( this ),
                        $auto = true,
                        $dots = false,
                        $nav = true,
                        $loop = true,
                        $rtl = false,
                        $dataauto = $ 'auto' ),
                        $items_desktop = 1,
                        $items_tablet = 1,
                        $items_tabsmall = 1,
                        $items_mobile = 1,
                        $speed = 600,
                        $item = 1,
                        $autotime = 5000,
                        $datalazy = false;
                    if( $('html').attr('dir') === 'rtl' ) {
                        $rtl = true;
                    if ( $this.attr('data-dots') ) {
                        $dots = true;
                    if ( $this.attr('data-loop') ) {
                        $loop = false;
                    if ( $this.attr('data-nav') ) {
                        $nav = false;
                    if ( $this.attr('data-desktop') ) {
                        $items_desktop = parseInt( $'desktop') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-tablet') ) {
                        $items_tablet = parseInt( $'tablet') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-tabsmall') ) {
                        $items_tabsmall = parseInt( $'tabsmall') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-mobile') ) {
                        $items_mobile = parseInt( $'mobile') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-speed') ) {
                        $speed = parseInt( $'speed') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-autotime') ) {
                        $autotime = parseInt( $'autotime') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-item') ) {
                        $item = parseInt( $'item') );
                    if ( $this.attr('data-lazy') ) {
                        $datalazy = true;
                    var owl_args = {
                        loop              : $loop,
                        rtl               : $rtl,
                        margin            : 0,
                        items             : $item,
                        slideBy           : $item,
                        lazyLoad          : $datalazy,
                        navSpeed          : $speed,
                        dotsSpeed         : $speed,
                        nav               : $nav,
                        dots              : $dots,
                        navText           : ['<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'],
                        autoplay          : $dataauto,
                        autoplayTimeout   : $autotime,
                        autoHeight        : true,
                        autoplayHoverPause: true,
                        autoplaySpeed     : $speed,
                        responsive        : {
                            0   : {
                                items  : $items_mobile,
                                slideBy: $items_mobile
                            480 : {
                                items  : $items_tabsmall,
                                slideBy: $items_tabsmall
                            768 : {
                                items  : $items_tablet,
                                slideBy: $items_tablet
                            1170: {
                                items  : $items_desktop,
                                slideBy: $items_desktop
                    if ( $this.hasClass( 'penci-headline-posts' ) ) {
                        owl_args['animateOut'] = 'slideOutUp';
                        owl_args['animateIn'] = 'slideInUp';
                    $this.imagesLoaded( function() { $this.owlCarousel( owl_args ); } );
                    $this.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) {
                        $this.find( '.penci-lazy' ).Lazy( {
                            effect: 'fadeIn',
                            effectTime: 300,
                            scrollDirection: 'both'
                        } );
                } );
            }    // if owlcarousel

    After that, open related_posts.php file and add more  data-mobile="2"   like on this image

    Best Regards,


  • rtomasevic replied

