Comments rtomasevic started the conversationJuly 10, 2019 at 7:16pmHow can i display 2 images side by side at related post on mobileAt related_posts.php i only find data-desktop and data-tablet 2,702PenciDesign repliedJuly 11, 2019 at 3:22amHi,If you want to do that, please open soledad/js/main.js and on line 265, replace this code: /* Owl Slider General ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.owl_slider = function () { if ( $().owlCarousel ) { $( '.penci-owl-carousel-slider' ).each( function () { var $this = $( this ), $auto = true, $dots = false, $nav = true, $loop = true, $rtl = false, $dataauto = $ 'auto' ), $items_desktop = 1, $items_tablet = 1, $items_tabsmall = 1, $speed = 600, $item = 1, $autotime = 5000, $datalazy = false; if( $('html').attr('dir') === 'rtl' ) { $rtl = true; } if ( $this.attr('data-dots') ) { $dots = true; } if ( $this.attr('data-loop') ) { $loop = false; } if ( $this.attr('data-nav') ) { $nav = false; } if ( $this.attr('data-desktop') ) { $items_desktop = parseInt( $'desktop') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-tablet') ) { $items_tablet = parseInt( $'tablet') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-tabsmall') ) { $items_tabsmall = parseInt( $'tabsmall') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-speed') ) { $speed = parseInt( $'speed') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-autotime') ) { $autotime = parseInt( $'autotime') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-item') ) { $item = parseInt( $'item') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-lazy') ) { $datalazy = true; } var owl_args = { loop : $loop, rtl : $rtl, margin : 0, items : $item, slideBy : $item, lazyLoad : $datalazy, navSpeed : $speed, dotsSpeed : $speed, nav : $nav, dots : $dots, navText : ['<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'], autoplay : $dataauto, autoplayTimeout : $autotime, autoHeight : true, autoplayHoverPause: true, autoplaySpeed : $speed, responsive : { 0 : { items : 1, slideBy: 1 }, 480 : { items : $items_tabsmall, slideBy: $items_tabsmall }, 768 : { items : $items_tablet, slideBy: $items_tablet }, 1170: { items : $items_desktop, slideBy: $items_desktop } } }; if ( $this.hasClass( 'penci-headline-posts' ) ) { owl_args['animateOut'] = 'slideOutUp'; owl_args['animateIn'] = 'slideInUp'; } $this.imagesLoaded( function() { $this.owlCarousel( owl_args ); } ); $this.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) { $this.find( '.penci-lazy' ).Lazy( { effect: 'fadeIn', effectTime: 300, scrollDirection: 'both' } ); }); } ); } // if owlcarousel } To: /* Owl Slider General ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.owl_slider = function () { if ( $().owlCarousel ) { $( '.penci-owl-carousel-slider' ).each( function () { var $this = $( this ), $auto = true, $dots = false, $nav = true, $loop = true, $rtl = false, $dataauto = $ 'auto' ), $items_desktop = 1, $items_tablet = 1, $items_tabsmall = 1, $items_mobile = 1, $speed = 600, $item = 1, $autotime = 5000, $datalazy = false; if( $('html').attr('dir') === 'rtl' ) { $rtl = true; } if ( $this.attr('data-dots') ) { $dots = true; } if ( $this.attr('data-loop') ) { $loop = false; } if ( $this.attr('data-nav') ) { $nav = false; } if ( $this.attr('data-desktop') ) { $items_desktop = parseInt( $'desktop') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-tablet') ) { $items_tablet = parseInt( $'tablet') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-tabsmall') ) { $items_tabsmall = parseInt( $'tabsmall') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-mobile') ) { $items_mobile = parseInt( $'mobile') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-speed') ) { $speed = parseInt( $'speed') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-autotime') ) { $autotime = parseInt( $'autotime') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-item') ) { $item = parseInt( $'item') ); } if ( $this.attr('data-lazy') ) { $datalazy = true; } var owl_args = { loop : $loop, rtl : $rtl, margin : 0, items : $item, slideBy : $item, lazyLoad : $datalazy, navSpeed : $speed, dotsSpeed : $speed, nav : $nav, dots : $dots, navText : ['<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'], autoplay : $dataauto, autoplayTimeout : $autotime, autoHeight : true, autoplayHoverPause: true, autoplaySpeed : $speed, responsive : { 0 : { items : $items_mobile, slideBy: $items_mobile }, 480 : { items : $items_tabsmall, slideBy: $items_tabsmall }, 768 : { items : $items_tablet, slideBy: $items_tablet }, 1170: { items : $items_desktop, slideBy: $items_desktop } } }; if ( $this.hasClass( 'penci-headline-posts' ) ) { owl_args['animateOut'] = 'slideOutUp'; owl_args['animateIn'] = 'slideInUp'; } $this.imagesLoaded( function() { $this.owlCarousel( owl_args ); } ); $this.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) { $this.find( '.penci-lazy' ).Lazy( { effect: 'fadeIn', effectTime: 300, scrollDirection: 'both' } ); }); } ); } // if owlcarousel } After that, open related_posts.php file and add more data-mobile="2" like on this imageBest Regards,PenciDesignrtomasevic repliedJuly 11, 2019 at 2:52pmawesomethanks Sign in to reply ...
How can i display 2 images side by side at related post on mobile
At related_posts.php i only find data-desktop and data-tablet
If you want to do that, please open soledad/js/main.js and on line 265, replace this code:
After that, open related_posts.php file and add more data-mobile="2" like on this image
Best Regards,