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  Public Ticket #2079913
Hiding Pinterest-photos


  • monalisat started the conversation

    Hi there!

    On previous Wordpress-sites I have used the code <div style = “display:none;”></div> to hide Pinterest cover-photos on a post, to not make it cluttered.

    I am using the Soledad theme, and when I try to hide pictures on my site using the same code it does not work, and the actual code is displayed instead. Is there another way to do this with Soledad, please? :)

    Best regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Can you show me URL for this issue and a screenshot about what element you want to hide?

    Best Regards,


  • monalisat replied

    Hi, thank you very much for getting back to me!

    This isn't a picture I actually want to hide, I am just using it as an example:

    So at the bottom of this page, I have now used the code (which normally would hide the image) on the picture of the two dogs:


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Your code is wrong - check this image:

    It should be:

    style="display: none;"


    style=”display: none;”

    The different between letters:      "      and    ”  

    That's 2 different letters.

    Best Regards,
