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  Public Ticket #2083312
Fonts in demo TRAVEL BLOG 3


  • SogR started the conversation

    What kind of fonts is used in the demo "travel blog 3"? See print screen.

    Is there a way I can see what kind of fonts there is used in the demos? :-) 

    Best regards Sofie 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We're using Raleway in the menu items - you can select it via Customize > Logo and Header Options > Font for Menu items.

    And use Lora font with font-weight 700 for heading titles - you can select it via Customize > General Options > Font for Heading Titles.

    And use PT Serif font for body text - you can select it via Customize > General Options >  Font for Body Text

    Best Regards,
