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  Public Ticket #2085798
Full width pages


  • EB-Equipment started the conversation

    I am struggling to figure out how to set ALL pages to FULL WIDTH by default. 

    I have read through many tickets and support questions but can't find the answer. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Do you mean all pages/posts on your site or only "Pages" in "Dashboard > Pages"?

    If you mean about all pages/posts on your site, please check options for it via:

    a) Customize > General Options > un-check on "Enable Sidebar on Homepage" & "Enable Sidebar on Archive"

    b) Customize > Single Post Options > Single Posts Sidebar Layout > select "No Sidebar" or "No Sidebar with Container Width Smaller"

    c) Customize > Page Options > Page Default Template Layout > select "No Sidebar with Container" or "No Sidebar with Smaller Container Width"

    If you mean about all "Pages" in "Dashboard > Pages", just need check option for it on point c) above.

    Best Regards,
