Comments Netroy started the conversationJuly 23, 2019 at 6:20amI have to change default fonts to Korean fonts like can i change it?and Is there anything I need to modify the code?Will there be a problem with future updates if they are modified? 2,702PenciDesign repliedJuly 23, 2019 at 8:36amHi,Do you mean you want to change for one font and use it for all places on your site?If right, please tell me what's the font you want to use for your site in the fonts you listed.Best Regards,PenciDesignNetroy repliedJuly 23, 2019 at 1:25pmActually I find how to add Custom Fonts but i have a Question about this English = use fontKorean and others = font in "Font for body text" There's a bunch of fonts in the selector, but I don't know how to do it. 2,702PenciDesign repliedJuly 24, 2019 at 4:31amHi,If so, please do following steps here to do that:1/ Select Montserrat is default font from customize.2/ Add more this code to Customize > Logo and Header Options > Add Custom Code Inside <head> Tag: <link href=",400,500,700,900&display=swap&subset=korean" rel="stylesheet"> 3/ Add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS: html[lang="ko-KR"] *{ font-family: 'Noto Sans KR', sans-serif !important; }Best Regards,PenciDesignNetroy repliedJuly 24, 2019 at 1:18pmWhen I do like thatsocial icon is become tofu...what should i do? 2,702PenciDesign repliedJuly 24, 2019 at 2:55pmHi,Please try change the step 3: Add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS: html[lang="ko-KR"] h1,html[lang="ko-KR"] h2,html[lang="ko-KR"] h3,html[lang="ko-KR"] h4,html[lang="ko-KR"] h5,html[lang="ko-KR"] h6,html[lang="ko-KR"] h2.penci-heading-video,html[lang="ko-KR"] #navigation .menu li a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-photo-2-effect figcaption h2,html[lang="ko-KR"] .headline-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] a.penci-topbar-post-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] #sidebar-nav .menu li a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-slider .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-slider .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-button,html[lang="ko-KR"] .author-quote span,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-more-link a.more-link,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-post-share-box .dt-share,html[lang="ko-KR"] .post-share a .dt-share,html[lang="ko-KR"] .author-content h5,html[lang="ko-KR"] .post-pagination h5,html[lang="ko-KR"] .post-box-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-countdown .countdown-amount,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-countdown .countdown-period,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-pagination a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-pagination .disable-url,html[lang="ko-KR"] ul.footer-socials li a span,html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget input[type="submit"],html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget button[type="submit"],html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-sidebar-content .widget-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] #respond h3.comment-reply-title span,html[lang="ko-KR"] a span,html[lang="ko-KR"] .footer-widget-wrapper .widget .widget-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] .container.penci-breadcrumb span,html[lang="ko-KR"] .container.penci-breadcrumb span a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-container-inside.penci-breadcrumb span,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-container-inside.penci-breadcrumb span a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .container.penci-breadcrumb span,html[lang="ko-KR"] .container.penci-breadcrumb span a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .error-404 .go-back-home a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .post-entry .penci-portfolio-filter ul li a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-portfolio-filter ul li a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .portfolio-overlay-content .portfolio-short .portfolio-title a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .home-featured-cat-content .magcat-detail h3 a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .post-entry blockquote cite,html[lang="ko-KR"] .post-entry blockquote .author,html[lang="ko-KR"] .share-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget ul.side-newsfeed li .side-item .side-item-text h4 a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .thecomment .comment-text,html[lang="ko-KR"] .thecomment .comment-text a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .post-comments span.reply a,html[lang="ko-KR"] #respond h3,html[lang="ko-KR"] #respond label,html[lang="ko-KR"] .wpcf7 label,html[lang="ko-KR"] #respond #submit,html[lang="ko-KR"] .wpcf7 input[type="submit"],html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget_wysija input[type="submit"],html[lang="ko-KR"] .archive-box span,html[lang="ko-KR"] .archive-box h1,html[lang="ko-KR"] .gallery .gallery-caption,html[lang="ko-KR"] .contact-form input[type=submit],html[lang="ko-KR"] ul.penci-topbar-menu > li a,html[lang="ko-KR"] div.penci-topbar-menu > ul > li a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .featured-style-29 .penci-featured-slider-button a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-button,html[lang="ko-KR"] ul.homepage-featured-boxes .penci-fea-in.boxes-style-3 h4 span span,html[lang="ko-KR"] .pencislider-container .pencislider-content .pencislider-button,html[lang="ko-KR"] .woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-tabs .panel #respond .comment-reply-title,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-recipe-index-wrap .penci-index-more-link a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-menu-hbg .menu li a,html[lang="ko-KR"] #sidebar-nav .menu li a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-readmore-btn.penci-btn-make-button a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox h1,html[lang="ko-KR"] .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox h2,html[lang="ko-KR"] .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox h3,html[lang="ko-KR"] .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox h4,html[lang="ko-KR"] .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox #b_searchboxInc .b_submitButton_wrapper .b_submitButton:hover,html[lang="ko-KR"] .bos_searchbox_widget_class #flexi_searchbox #b_searchboxInc .b_submitButton_wrapper .b_submitButton,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-featured-cat-seemore.penci-btn-make-button a,html[lang="ko-KR"] .penci-menu-hbg-inner .penci-hbg_sitetitle, html[lang="ko-KR"] body,html[lang="ko-KR"] textarea,html[lang="ko-KR"] #respond textarea,html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget input[type="text"],html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget input[type="email"],html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget input[type="date"],html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget input[type="number"],html[lang="ko-KR"] .wpcf7 textarea,html[lang="ko-KR"] .mc4wp-form input,html[lang="ko-KR"] #respond input,html[lang="ko-KR"] .wpcf7 input,html[lang="ko-KR"] #searchform,html[lang="ko-KR"] ul.homepage-featured-boxes .penci-fea-in h4,html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget.widget_categories ul li span.category-item-count,html[lang="ko-KR"] .about-widget .about-me-heading,html[lang="ko-KR"] .widget ul.side-newsfeed li .side-item .side-item-text .side-item-meta{ font-family: 'Noto Sans KR', sans-serif; } Best Regards,PenciDesign Sign in to reply ...
I have to change default fonts to Korean fonts like
how can i change it?
and Is there anything I need to modify the code?
Will there be a problem with future updates if they are modified?
Do you mean you want to change for one font and use it for all places on your site?
If right, please tell me what's the font you want to use for your site in the fonts you listed.
Best Regards,
Actually I find how to add Custom Fonts
but i have a Question about this
English = use font
Korean and others = font
in "Font for body text" There's a bunch of fonts in the selector, but I don't know how to do it.
If so, please do following steps here to do that:
1/ Select Montserrat is default font from customize.
2/ Add more this code to Customize > Logo and Header Options > Add Custom Code Inside <head> Tag:
3/ Add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:
Best Regards,
When I do like that
social icon is become tofu...
what should i do?
Please try change the step 3: Add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:
Best Regards,