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  Public Ticket #2090390
header logo not resizing correctly


  • blotside started the conversation

    On the original Soledad demo with header 9, and looking at the logo image info, it shows the size 621px x 120px, (scaled to 290px x 56px.)

    I have my logo sized to 620px width, and set in header customization at 400px.  The logo does not display at 400px on a pc monitor. Also, when it scales down it is too small at 139px x 38px.

    We need my logo to not scale so small but as the same sized as the demo.

    I have attached screenshots.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to make it display bigger for header 9:

    #navigation.header-6 #logo img, .is-sticky #navigation.header-6 #logo img{ padding: 2px 0; }

    Best Regards,
